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histories of the History, are developing simultaneously. Only in one of those Worlds occurs the
               theme that will be Real at the End, when the Lord of the War affirms it from the Beginning, as
               Captain Kiev predicted in San Félix de Caramán. The White Fraternity knows that it will occur
               but they can’t know a priori which of them will be in the Real World of the Lords of Tharsis;
               and for this reason, in the meantime, is obeyed to deploy their infernal agents, their Masters,
               Priests, and Initiates, around the ancient route that Lito of Tharsis took in America; and in
               many Worlds at the same Time. But this time they would care to not «commit mistakes»: for
               that  purpose  they  have  determined  that  any  sign  of  the  Lords  of  Tharsis,  or  Skiold,  be
               communicated to Chang Shambhala, with the finality that Bera and Birsha in person deal with
               so vital matter. Thus will be, Dr. Siegnagel: in board XX century, but just as thousands of years
               ago  in  Tharsis,  the  Immortal  Demons  will  approach  to  the  awake  men  to  consume  their
               atrocious  vengeance.  And  to  them,  as  before,  only  the  Pure  Blood  will  save  them,  the
               Remembrance of the Origin that liberated the Uncreated Spirit. Those who have their Spiritis
               oriented perhaps will die in hands of the Demons, as I will surely die; but will only achieve to
               kill an animal body in their World, they will only obtain to an empty skin, vain victory; at the
               end, when the Final Battle take place, and the War Lord affirms the Reality of the World of the
               Spirit, all of us who have died for the cause of the Spirit will be Alive again to march out of the
               Universe of the One, passing over the Potencies of the Matter, while in our backs the Final
               Holocaus of the Soul’s Demons will outbreak.
                      We have reached to the XX century, Dr. Siegnagel, surrounded all over by the agents of
               the  White  Fraternity.  However,  while  the  Wise  Sword  or  the  Crown  of  King  Kollman  stays
               behind the Cromlechs, the Demons could not relate them with the Time and thay wouldn’t
               know in which world act. So, we could, move relatively without being noticed, but thing would
               change during the last years, when Captain Kiev make himself present to advance instruction
               about the Final Battle.
                      From  the  Lineage  of  Lito  emerged  the  braches  of  many  families  that  still  exist  in
               Argentina  and  other  countries.  Some  of  them  protected  from  the  Golems  disguiseing  their
               origin or denying genealocial conexions that binded them to the House of Tharsis, but all of
               them are more or less conscious about this story. However, that distance drifted away them
               from  the  Noyvrayado  and  the  Hyperborean  Initiation.  Therefore  only  the  members  of  my
               family, who had always dwelled in the Ranch of Tharsy, maintained the Cult of the Cold Fire
               and guarded the Wise Sword. And in the decade of the 70’s, even if the Lineage didn’t run the
               risk  to  be  exterminated,  just  remained  one  Hyperborean  Initiate  capable  to  carry  out  the
               Strategy  of the Liberator Gods: Me, Belicena Villca. I was widow and I  had just  one son, to
               whom I had sent to Buenos Aires to study a military career, but I didn’t hesitate to take the
               Noyvrayado when my grandfather, who remained since thirty years ago beside the Menhir, died
               in 1967. A new situation occureed: even if the Lineage possessed many members, the Initiatic
               chain  threatened  to  stop  relentlessly.  Happily,  in  1972,  my  son  Noyo  returned  for  my
               assistance  disposed  to  receive  the  Hyperborean  Initiation  and  become  an  authentic  Noyo,
               Guardian of the Wise Sword. In for month he was prepared, from June to October, and then he
               died, and reborned as Man of Stone, and he situated by my side, before the Menhir of Tharsy
               and in front to the Wise Sword. He had requested his demission from the Armed Forces to be
               consecrated to the familiar mission, bur his contacts with a nationalist group, integrant of the
               Intelligence Services of the Army, prevented him the permanent dedication to the Guard. The

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