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P. 401

have seen in the Stone of Venus! Such site is a Valley located in the regions of the
               Heart of Argentina, very near to the Hill Uritorco, the Hill Parsifal, where the Lord of
               the War, in a remote past, deposited his Bâton de commandement next to a Fortress
               constructed by Wise Warriors who knew him as «Cacique Vultan. In other hill, of the
               Valley that you shall find, is located a Secret Cavern built by the White Atlanteans
               and protected by the Vrunes of Navutan: There shall be placed the Wise Sword! I will
               ask  you  why  it  must  be  done  and  I  will  respond  that  it  consists  in  one  of  the
               fundamental acts of the Final Battle: it is really about, the connection between the Gods
               and  the  asleep  men.  The  Lords  of  Tharsis,  as  the  Lords  of  Skiold  and  other  similar
               Lineages,  are  awake  men  who  have  always  counted  with  a  Revealed  Mystery  and  a
               Stone of Venus to obtaion the orientation towards the Origin and the Hyperborean
               Initiation. Even to your Lineage was entrusted to initiate in such form to the Lord of
               the Absolute Will and Courage, the Führer of the White Race. For this reason it would
               be difficult for you to imagine an initiate of the Absolute Orientation, a Hyperborean
               Pontiff capable to build in every time nd space the indestructible bridge between the
               Created and the Uncreated. Such Initiate not needs other reference than Himself to
               be  oriented  towards  the  Origin,  he  is  his  own  «Stone  of  Venus»,  and  he  can’t  be
               disoriented, neither deceited, nor deviated in any way from his Strategic Mission.
                      And that Initiate, Blood of Tharsis, is already on the Earth! Aye. The Lord of the
               Absolute Orientation is awating for the moment in which the Wise Sword be placed
               on  the  Secret  Cavern,  to  guide  men  towards  the  Stone  of  Venus,  to  the  men  who,
               nevertheless their immersion in the Illusion, manifest the will to liberate the Eternal
               Spirit  from  its  material  prison!  If  such  connection  occurs,  the  communication
               between the asleep men and the Gods, then inevitably, the final Battle on the Earth
               will have begun!
                      Aye!  That  Initiate  will  found  an  Order  of  Constructors  and  will  institute  its
               members  in  the  Lytic  Wisdom  of  the  White  Atlanteans.  Then,  as  I  said,  Will  teach
               them the necessary techniques to find the Stone of Venus, even if the same is located
               behind  the  Vrunes  of  Navutan.  Many  will  be  the  Chosen  Ones  who  will  yearn  the
               Stone of Venus, the Door of the Other World, but just one of them will be a Noyo. And
               that Noyo, who will listen to the Language of the Birds, he will be capable to find the
               entrance of the Secret Cavern and join to one of you to the Wise Sword. Therefore,
               the  Order  of  Navutan  means  that  you  must  approximate  the  Wise  Sword  to  the
               Pontiff who is waiting for it, fulfilling in this way with the last phase of the Strategy
               of the Liberator Gods!
                      Blood of Tharsis: I know that you will comply without hesitation the Order of
               the Lord of the War but, to do it better, I suggest you to heed the bad news that I
               bring you. Above all, you must have present that the actual World where you move,
               out  of  the  Cromlech,  is  under  the  permanent  surveillance  of  the  Enemy.  It  won’t
               result easy, in these conditions, to take the Wise Sword from the Centre to move it to
               the Valley of Avalon. Even though the distance in kilometres seems to be very short:
                      In reality, if you don’t take the appropriate precautions, you could never reach

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