Page 406 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 406
Sword diposed to never return to Tafí del Valle; but his comrades of the Army didn’t know it.
According to the repressive methodology that Armed Forces employed in the
antisubversive struggle, they never utilized search warrants or even gave part to the Justice in
the nocturnal raids of the type that they carried out in Tafí del Valle: the suspicios were simply
kidnaped, passing then to form part of the even more suspicios category of «disappeared».
Then, in the posterior day of the raid, Noyo figured as one of the «200 disapeared of Tafí
del Valle». To satar the representation of my role, I went to the tribunals and presented the
useless habeas corpus, with the other familiars of the disappeared people. The legal resource,
as was already a costume, was rejected, due to the Judges shared the official methology or they
just feared to increase the fatidical list of missing persons. And occurred that, due to they
didn’t had a reasonable official answer about the where was my son, I began to move by my
own, at the beginning very slow and dissimulated, but later, when I could make full use of the
strategic opposition¸ more rapidly, until I disappeared completely.
For the desperation of the Enemy, who propmply was behind my steps, I used to vanish
completely, in determined site, and appear «as if by magic», sometimes in places very distant. I
advanced and returned over my steps, disconcerting permanently who were watching me; in
Jujuy, in Tafí del Valle; then in Bolivia and again in Tucumán, in just few hours, if time serves as
any reference in the magical war which I’ve undertaken. Furthermore, the Enemy was unable to
determine the World in which I was in every moment: if they encountered with a lapis
oppositionis, for example, could happen that when following the path thourgh I suppodsedly
took they could find a Tafí del Valle in which the Villca’s family never lived; or with a Belicena
Villca who never married or had children; or with a World in which the subversive struggle
never occurred; etc. However, I permitted to be detected to attract the Enemy, each time with
more violence, over me to obtain the searched distraction effect. Meanwhile, Noyo would
advance tranquil towards the Valley of Córdoba.
During one of those surprising returns to Tucumán, Segundo, the Indian who was
descendant of the People of the Moon who served us as a steward in the Ranch, informed me
that Captain Diego Fernández wanted to find me before leaving to the III Zone, due to he was
designed for a new destination. I phoned him to the Regiment and we arranged a meeting in
the park Dique el Cadillal. There we had the following dialogue:
–Good moring, Madame –Saluted the Captain.
–Likewise –I replied laconically.
–You and your son, my goo Comrade Noyo, have me very worried, Mrs. Belicena. You
would have to tell where is he. Or warn him contact us immediately. Things have changed a lot
in these years and it is urgent to put him uo to date about the events.
I shrugged for any answer, not disposed to deny neither to confirm anything, but
attentive to the information that I could obtain from the Official: I was «in operations» as
well, performing a tremendously dangerous maneuver in the Essential War that such soldier
could not eve dream; and the own discipline of this War demanded to distrust from everyone
and Everything, even from the Comrade of my son: all the not Initiated men could be betrayed
by thir Souls, psychically dominated and converted in instruments of the Demiurge Jehovah
Satan. I could not run any unnecessary risk. However, Dr. Siegnagel, seeing the things at the
distance, I can assure today that Captain Diego Fernández was honest in what he said, and that
Noyo had not erred to trust in him.