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P. 409

of Israel (the Mossad or the Shin Bet); from E.E.U.U. (the C.I.A. or F.B.I); from England (the
               MI-5, MI-6, I.S.); the Soviet Union (K.G.B, G.R.U) etc. And these organizations are following
               you, Mrs. Belicena. And for this reason it is urgent to clarify the things while we can, because is
               probable  that  in  very  brief  term  our  Comrades  be  completely  neutralized  radited  from  the
               active Service, to be then sold vilely to the same subversive forces against which we fought for
               years.  We  believe  that  the  Government  plans  to  transfer  the  Power  to  socialists  or  social-
               democrats, who will alow to the left to adhere the enough liberty and power as to destroy the
               moral reserves of the Nation that were especially concentrated in the Armed Forces. However
               these men, who in reality are mercenaries at the service of the Synarchy, they will maintain the
               monetarist economic policy that will submit the Nation to the moral dependence and the social
               dissolution.  In  the  same  case  of  me,  I  have  been  retired  without  explanations  from  the
               anticommunist strife, with the evident intention to be destituted soon, or in something worse,
               are my rest Comrades. Thus, it is imposed the necessitiy to act now or run the risk that the
               situation of Noyo be never clarified and that you can be attacked by some of the new groups of
               Intelligence that act now with total impunity and repugnant lack of honor, and that usually
               persecute and execute persons of nationalist past before the well-known agents of the Marxist
               subversion. I hope to have been clear, Mrs. Belicena, and that you be capable to establish a
               prompt contact with the comrade Noyo, for whom we also request, in this crucial hour, his
               valuable strategic advice.
                      –You have been extremely clear, Captain Fernández –I assured– and be sure that I will
               transmit textually your words to my son Noyo, who surely will not hesitate to communicate
               with you.
                      And in this manner ended such conversation with Captain Diego Fernández, who left
               disposed to wait, and to make wait his Comrades as  well, all possible  declaration about the
               disappeared of Tafí del Valle.
                      The rest of the history is already known by you, Dr. Siegnagel. I, far of complying with
               what I promised to Captain Diego Fernández, I continued realizing strategic movements in the
               Argentinian North, Bolivia and Peru. I travelled in many opportunities through the route of
               Lito of Tharsia and the Atumurunas, conscious that it would awake even more the interest of
               the White Fraternity and I would affirm them in the certainty that I was keeper of the Wise
               Sword. For this purpose, I also took the path of Tatainga in Jujuy and I’d go to the proximities
               of  of  the  Hill  Kâlibur.  In  two  opportunities,  inclusive,  I  descended  to  great  Valley  and
               contemplated the Extersteine, although not daring to cross the Vrunic Door. Well, was during
               onw  of  these  excursions  that  I  fell  in  a  Golems’  ambush  and  I  ingested  the  poison  that
               debilitated my will and prevent me to continue developing the Strategy. Then I was rapidly
               captured by a commando of the Shin Bet, integrated by Rabbis Initiated in the High Kabbalah,
               Priests who had contemplated the sepher Icheh in Israel and knew all what referred to the Fire
               Holocaust. They formed part, just as Captain Fernández anticipated, to a parallel Intelligence
               Service, which counted with members in the Services of the Army, Navy, Air Forces, Federal
               Police, Secretariat of the State Security, Minitry of Defense, etc.  Its power mobilization was
                      I was resting momentarily in a miserable inn of Kâlypampa. There they introduced me
               the  drug,  mixed  in  a  jar  of  Molasses  that  offered  to  sweeten  the  coffee.  The  effect  that  it
               produced  in  my  instantly  in  my  body  of  Hyperborean  Initaite  was  indescribable,  being  very

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