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P. 410

improbable  for  you  to  imagine,  because  you  don’t  know  how  a  mind  capable  to  possess
               consciousness in may Worlds at once behaves. I’ll just tell you that the drug, a flawless form of
               archetypal  honey,  produced  an  accelerate  process  of  animic  strengthening,  a  formidable
               inyection of energy for the instinve will of the Soul that in the Hyperborean Initiates is usually
               dominated by the irresistible will of the Uncreated Spirit. And that sudden evolution of the
               Soul caused a bloodly degradation, like a weakening of the Symbol of the Origin, present in the
               Pure  Blood,  as  an  actualization  of  the  physical  body,  which  lost  all  its  capacities  to
               move independently from the Time and synchronized all its biological clocks with the
               Time of this World. Therefore, I remained prisoner of the cultural context, attached to the
               reality  of  such  little  population  of  Jujuy.  Naturally  I  tried  to  escape  anyway:  the  lapis
               oppositionis  were  not  useful  anymore  because  I  lost  the  external  orientation  towards  the
               Origin and resulted impossible for me to practice the strategic opposition. But I didn’t reach
               too far. Before leaving the Province I was already in hands of the agents of the Shin Bet. They
               guided me to the Franciscan Monastery of Our Lady of Miracles, in Salvador, Jujuy, where most
               of the priests seemed to be  under their  orders. In  a sordid dungeon, from the times  of the
               colony,  I  was  submitted  to  a  refined  interrogation  during  which  many  different  drugs  were
               administered  to  me.    The  questions were  few  and  precise;  always  the  same:  Where  was  the
               extraterrestrial Stone? What happened with my son Noyo? Where I was going to? What were
               my orders? Was any terrestrial contact, some Initiate who shares the operation, or I was just by
                      Abbreviating, Dr. Siegnagel, I believe that I ended to confess almost everything, unable
               to resist the effect of the drugs which avoided me even the representation of the Sign of the
               Death,  with  it  I  could  disembody  right  there.  Anyhow,  Noyo  was  already  safe  in  the  Secret
               Cavern: I sensed it long time ago and I received confirmatory sings of the Gods. I was falling,
               but the Strategy of was triumphing! The command of the Lord of the War had been totally
               accomplished and nothing, from part of the House of Tharsis, would avoid the Final Battle!
               Now was only missing that the Hyperborean Pontiff, the Lord of the Absolute Orientation and
               his Order of Wise Constructors, find the Wise Sword: and that was completely out from our
                      As  you  will  comprehend,  these  reflections  belong  to  the  present.  In  such  terrible
               moment, when my will resulted impotent to dominate the tongue, an indescribable anguish
               affected me: I was being humillated in my dignity of Hyperboran Initaite and I felt as a betrayal,
               as an unforgivable lack of honor, the involuntary confesion that they were extracting from me.
                      Even though, we had already considered such possibility. But in those moments I just
               wanted to die, even if the damn Rabbis not desired anything else than to conserve me alive: I
               was barely physically tortured, due to all their actions were directed to bow down and destroy
               my psychic structure. They were not going to kill me, and they said it clearly, because my body
               was  untouchable,  as  the  one  of  Rudoph  Hess.  Dr.  Siegnagel:  I  was  reserved  for  a  Ritual
               Sacrifice that Bera and Birsha in person would effectuate.

               Sixty-Third Day
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