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P. 413
And the Hyperborean Initiation, Dr. Siegnagel, today, is only capable to concede it, in
this part of the world, the Pontifex Maximus of the Order of Odin, the Lord of the
Absolute Orientation, or the Wise Constructors who aid him. To transmit you this truth
I changed my descision to die voluntarily. You must have present, Dr. Siegnagel, the ethic
perspective of the Lords of Tharsis: for the Strategy of spiritual liberation of the Loyal Gods to
the Spirit of Men, implies much more Honor that I try to wake up you than the suicide to flee
from the infamous reprisals of the Immortal Demons. Didn’t such punishment, the possibility
of that terrible end, already considered in the Strategy suggested by Captain Kiev?
Yes. I decided to wake up you, at least to try it, but how? Without talking with you
because a professional prejudice would have prevented you to give credit to the words of a
mentally ill. Perhaps writing our history in a letter, as the present, but it not escaped from me
that I’d be in similar situation: your incredulity would be anyhow inevitable. Nevertheless,
exists the possibility that a concrete fact, not mine but suficiently effective could turn
conscious the history of the House of Tharsis: and that fact cannot be anything else than
my own death in hands of the Immortals Bera and Birsha. It means, that I must achieve
that the Golem Demons leave enough traces of their immense power as to convince you that in
some grade the narrated history in the letter is real; and I must make that the letter reaches to
your hands after my death. Is what I will try to do, Dr. Siegnagel. For now, I have finished the
letter and I have started, since long time ago, to realize the Strategy which I believe that will
give the expected results: with the last efforts of my graceful luciferic will, I have tried to go
telephatically to Chang Shambhala, towards the members of the Order of Melchizedek, and I
have defied the Immortal Demons. I have defied them in the name of the House of Tharsis,
which is the greatedt offense for their infernal pride, and now I wait, not without fear, the
answer of Bera and Birsha. I can feel them, Dr. Arturo Siegnagel, advancing amongst the
Worlds of the Illusion, approaching blind of hate towards my humble cell, saving the
Space and Time, dislocating the Reality, Pachachutquiy, Pachachutquiy.
Sixty-Fourth Day
This will be my last day alive, Dr. Siegnagel, I am sure about it. In a few hours I will give
this letter to the Nurse that I have bribed, and it will be in your hands after my death. I only
have time to ask you a hindmost favour that I have mentioned the First Day and offer you
some recommendations.
In first place, I want to ask you Dr., to try to localize my son Noyo. I know that, after
what you have read in this letter about the Hyperborean Wisdom, the techniques of the
strategic opposition of the Lytic Wisdom, and the character of the mission undertaken by
Noyo, it will seem to you almost impossible to comply with this petition. But I don’t ask you to
go directly behind his steps, what would be misbegotten, but I beg you to try to find the Order
of Wise Constructors of the Lord of the Absolute Orientation: They will put you in the right
direction. Moreover, they will concede you the Hyperborean Initiation, they will awake you,