Page 417 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 417
sensed that a horizon to look for was missing to my Spirit, an ideal, a goal maybe, worth of the
major sacrifice.
For this reason I contemplated with envy the Universal History, the heroic periods in
which I’d have liked to live: to choose such-and-such side, follow this or that reformer, commit
that liberating heresy or sink ardently into that tyrannical dogma. Live, fight, die, be a man!
But to be a man is not just to think; is to «feel» the Spirit. And the Spirit is «felt» when the life
is oriented in the search for an ideal; because the ideals are not in this world, are from another
order, the same as the Spirit and its related.
It is not easy. To be idealist requires much courage due to the reality, misleading and
cruel, keeps a trap for the ingenuous idealist and a tomb for the committed idealist. I’ve seen
how the idealist element of my generation, was systematically annihilated and its ideals
qualified as «nihilist». An Argentinian Admiral who passes as an erudite person, Massera, said
in a speech: «we are fighting against the nihilists, against delirious of destruction,
whose objective is the destruction itself, although they are masked as social
redeemers». Many of the dead and disappeared, were not such thing, but idealists who
believed that the infantile myth of the «social revolution» as a valid mean to install a fairer
order in the world. Precisely for believe to be (idealist), they didn’t see the diabolic plot in
which they were immersed; precisely for believe they were some indoctrinated, armed and then
hurled idiotically to the adventure, by the same synarchic System that repressed it later. And I
don’t think only in those who wielded arms, who perhaps deserved to die for being stateless,
but in many others who fell unknowing the smell of the gunpowder; for have committed the
«crime» to love the ideals that affected some interest or privilege.
That is not nihilism; nihilism is the balmy repression, the suffocating censure, the
instituted mediocrity, the officialised corruption, the digitate brainwash, in sum, the relentless
tyranny, cloaked obscenely in a «democratic» or «liberal» language.
The triumph of the system is the stability of a corrupt order of things, of a society
edified over the usury and materialism, of a country drew with a nib, to be inserted in a foreign
geopolitics, planned in detail by the International Synarchy of the Great Imperialism.
What offers to us this contemporary world of dollars and steel worth of our sacrifice?
Here a decadent and sepoy culture; there a terrorism without greatness; a repressor and
assassin Power; a coward a liar Church; Why go on if all stinks?
This was my animic state when I read the letter of Belicena Villca and for this reason my
reaction was instantaneous: I, the insignificant Dr. Siegnagel, little more than the number of