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P. 412
had to «legalize me», that’s to say, concede me the juridical status of political prisoner, to
obtain the burocratical settlement in the Hospital and winnow every future investigation. They
started convoking «Colonel Víctor Pérez», military of Hebrew race who worked for the Shin Bet.
He took the case at his charge and elaborated an expedient full of falseness, in which
was registered the alleged subversive activity of my son Noyo and the support that I’d give him,
to him as to the organization in which he militated. He forged the description of the
circumstances of the detention, the interrogatories and the tone of the confessions; and
obtained the diagnosis of dementia from a military doctor and from a judge the internation
order in the Neuropsychiatric Hospital Dr. Javier Patrón Isla. That’s how I reached here, Dr.
Siegnagel. But that moment I´ve decided to die.
Yes, estimated Dr. In those days, my only wish was to die with Honor, commit suicide
before falling in the fatal claws of Bera and Birsha, and not give to the Damn Immortals the
pleasure of their vengeance, the accomplishment of the sentence of extermination that they
were trying to execute since the Age of the Iberian Kings. I just needed a physical recuperation
and a little absentmindedness of the medical viligance to take my own life away by any mean.
Undoubtedly, Dr., I could have done this without problems during all the time that I have been
interned. To flee not represented the exit for me without external orientation and, anyway, the
mission was realized: Noyo was guarding the Wise Sword in Secret Cavern of Córdoba; and
enven if I could not find him, the order of War Lord had been fulfilled and that was the
important. So, to die not represented more than a small interlude until the Final Battle: I’d go
astraly to K’Taagar and would return soon, to take revengance against the Enemy of the Eternal
Spirit. In the meantime, I would elude the last persecution of Bera and Birsha. That was my
thought when I reached here, Dr. Siegnagel.
However, something make me change of idea when I just got here; and was for
this reason that, even though I continued simulating to be mad, I initiated the
redaction of this extensive letter. To be clear, «such thing» for which I changed my suicidal
intentions was you, Dr. Siegnagel. In reality, just when I saw you, I comprehended that you
had manifested in high grade the Symbol of the Origin; but I also appreciated that you were
unconscious of that, and that you didn’t know even the minimum details of the Hyperborean
Wisom: you are a Man of Pure Blood, Dr. Siegnagel. But the Memory of Blood is
obstructed by your Soul. You don’t know the existence of your Eternal Spirit neither
how to orientate towards the Origin. You suffer of a metaphysic amnesia which is
product of the Dark Age in which we actualy live, own of the enchantment that the
Potencies of the Matter exert over the men in the Great Deceit, characteristic of the
spiritual decadence of men and its attraction by the materialist culture: at last, Dr.
Siegnagel, you are an asleep man. But you are a Man. A being gifted with Uncreated
Spirit capable to wake up. Your presence here, in this obscure Hospital, I’ve taken as a sign
of the Gods, as a message of the Lord of War and Captain Kiev, perchance as a revelation of the
Pontiff, Lord of the Absolute Orientation. When I saw you, Dr., I comprehended to what was
referring to Captain Kiev when he announced that «asleep men would re-establish the
ancient nexus with the Gods»: such asleep men are undoubtedly similar to you. They have all
in their Pure Blood, but in potential form: they just need the Hyperborean Initiation to
produce that this racial potence be developed and flourishes in the consciousness.