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P. 411
You will wonder, Dr. Siegnagel, how my captors sent me to the Hospital Dr. Patrón Isla,
of the City of Salta? The answer is joyless simple, but not very difficult to imagine. The
Infernal Agents, who knew the secret that their drugs caused in the human body, and that
would result impossible for me to escape: the will to resist was completely enervated and, as I
said, I have lost completely the external orientation. I could not move from the site in which
I was, they had it clear. But then, I had decided to die.
I will explain it better: even though they had broken my will to set free externally, I
realized each moment that I conserved intact interior spiritual faculties. The will of my Spirit,
Dr., was not broken in the reduced ambit of the consciousness. Perhaps they destroyed part of
the psychical structure, but the harm could only be reduced to field of the Soul or the physical
brain, that’s to say, exclusively to the material terrain. Of course, They could not know with
exactitude what had happened with the Eternal Spirit because the Initiates of the White
Fraternity lack from the capacity to perceive the Uncreated Beings; but they considered a
triumph of their brainwashing techniques when they verified that there were not spiritual
manifestations anymore. Prescicely, they were referring to the «Self», the manifestation of
the Spirit as indicator of the state of the prisoner: if the treatment ended of the disintegration
of the Self, it meant that an irreversible process would avoid the spiritual re-incarceration.
Even though the Symbol of the Origin be still present in the Pure Blood, the destruction
of the psychic strutucture turned impossible that the Self could be concentred in the sphere of
consciousness again. But in my case that didn’t ocurr. As you’ll understand, They expected that
the ingestion of psychic-drugs be finished in a state of acute schizophrenia, hope that in my
case was reforced by the confessions that they had obtained to draw out from me. But the real
situation consisted in that all what they achieved to obtain in the interrogatory was not
voluntary neither involuntary but mechanical: their drugs acted over the conscious subject of
the Soul, not over the Self, and they forced it to overturn the formidable content of the racial
memory of the Lords of Tharsis, a quality own of the biologic specialization of my family, with
it, presumably the Rabbis were not accustomed to treat. Therefore they believed that my Self
was fragmented or disintegrated and that and equilibrate state of spiritual consciousness would
never be produced again: the confesion demonstrated, for Them, the irreversible fracture of the
spiritual will.
But such confession was just a stupid betrayal of the Soul, which subject read the
contents of the psychic memories. In a profound sphere, the will of my Self resisted in every
moment the violation unable to avoid that the memorial contents be mechanically
externalized: then emerged, for the delight of the Rabbis, the remembrances that the memory
conserved about the own Strategy and its execution. They knew what happened with Noyo and
they went in the act after his steps, supposing to behind them a human spolitation. However, it
is seen, as always, would not result so easy to end with the Lords of Tharis.
What had happened? Well, that I reached to comprehend what consequences were
expected from the brainwash and I achieved to simulate with great conviction the
schizophrenic dementia predicted by Them. Finally, convinced that my madness had no
remedy, they decided to evacuate me from the Franciscan Monastery and internate me
momentarily, until the arrival of Bera and Birsha, in a Neuropsychiatric Hospital. For it they