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P. 388
That was the place that the Stone of Venus indicated.
In Tiwanaku the people of Skioldland found a cyclopean half-built city of stone, some
type of workshop of the White Atlanteans. Among the ruins, they edified a population that
would be the head of an Empire. And in the Isle of the Sun, they erected a Temple to the local
Deity, due to they had presented themselves to the Collas, Aymara and other Indians as «Sons
of the Sun». The Viking Empire of Tiwanaku had prospered and extended until the XIV century,
when the second part of the racial drama of the House of Skiold occurred. In such century, in
fact, the people of Skioldland, who were already called «Atumurunas» due to their white skin
and predilection for the Coold Moon, had dominated all the Indians populations who dwelled
in the surroundings. Only one of them resisted, and not by their own merits but owing to the
Atumurunas doubted between to know them free and far, or submit them to the vassalage
having to treat with them. They were the Diaguitas¸ and the apprehension of the Vikings
proceeded from a rejection almost epidermic, essential to the custom and culture of them. The
case what that, even if the mass of Indians belonged effectively to the American ethnicities, the
noble and priestly lineage that reigned them had Mediterranean origin or, more precisely, it
came from Middle East: in the museums of Santiago del Estero, Catamarca, Salta, Tucumán, or
Tilcara, can be seen today hundreds of potteries written in Aramaic and Hebrewl, that confirms
such affirmation. The diaguita nobility flaunted the most rancid Hebrew ancestry and, their
Priests, were considered as the most jealous defenders of the Cultural Pact and the Sacrifice
One. They professed a mortal hate against the Vikings and they lived harassing permanently
the frontiers of the Empire. But they had been always controlled; al least until the fatidical year
of 1315. In that year, a general uprising of diaguitas tribes was produced from the Quebrada de
Humauaca until Atacama, in Chile, without any justifiable motive by part of the Empire. The
news indicated that the Great Cacique Cari had received the visit of two envoys of God
the One, Berhaj and Birchaj, who incitated them to the war against Tihuanaco; They
assured the Victory because the Diaguitas, they said, belonged to the People Chosen
by He¸and they could not lose. Motivated thereby, the ferocious indigenes advanced
irresistibly upon the limits of the Empire, and besieged in Tiwanaku. The Vikings, finally,
searched shelter in the Isle of the Sun, while the Initiated Autumurunas, it means, the Men of
Stone, entered in the Secret Atlantean Cavern in the Isle of the Moon, Koaty.
Nothing could do the Vikings against the High Strategy applied by the Demons Berhaj
and Birchaj, who guided the Diaguitas and they ended falling in the fence that the Enemy
closed around the Isle of the Sun. Taking Thousands as prisoners, the people of Skioldland
went patiently beheaded one by one in hands of the Hebrew-diaguitas Priests. In this part of
the narration the Atumuruna Taitanga signalized a runic relief in the wall and asked:
–«Molay», «Quiblon»? What represent these words for you? Because the Diaguitas
Priests, each time they beheaded a prisoner from ear to ear, seeking to make that the blood
fall into the Lake, screamed: –For Molay! For Quiblon! Our ancestors wrote with runes such
names, which for them had no sense, because they wanted that some day their offspring could
clarify the enigma.
The Men of Stone remained in silent, nailed in their sites. But they thought: How
terrible is the Illusion of the Great Deciet! How different is the same realitiy seen from another
perspective! That 1315, had been a good year for the House of Tharsis: the Lord of Venus came
and he approved all the actions deployed against plans of the White Fraternity; the action of