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P. 385

the Stone and listen to the Vrunes of Navutan in the Language of the Birds; they indicated
               them  what  strategic  movements  they  should  make  to  approximate  correctly  to  the
               secret exit and surpass the Veil of the Illusion. From the other side of the mountain they
               found at just five leagues from the shore of the lake, towards the port of Carabuco. It was June
               of 1535.
                      Embark in the Pirogue of totora constiututed an original experience for the Spaniards,
               although the distrustful Catalans feared to sink in any moment. However, six hours later they
               reached without problems in the Isle of the Moon. They fell over small seashore, of no more
               than ten feet of Castile width, surrounded by a prominent ravine of two hundred rods high: a
               narrow and visible path in zig zag allowed ascend until the summit of the cliff, from where the
               habitable surface of the Isle was extended. According to the explanations of the Amautas, over
               the  Isle  Koaty  existed  a  fortified  hamlet  and  a  Temple.  But  they  were  not  going  to  the
                      When all descended to the beach, the Atumuruna revealed that they would have to cross
               another secret entrance, which was right there, on the wall of the ravine. Once again, the Men
               of Stone localized the Vrunes and the Catalans had to be drugged. Beyonf the Illusion of the
               Ravine, there was a dim tunnel, coated entirely of stone blocks, which declined in ramp and
               dissapered in the bowels of the Isle. For the next twenty minutes they continued descending,
               until  the  tunnel  it  stabilized  and  guided  them  to  the  threshold  of  a  door  guarded  by  two
               Amautas of the Black Bonnet: when they saw the newcomers, one of them hit the enormous
               silver gong with a maze that he had in his hands. An unusual spectacle was suddenly offered
               before the disconcerted glance of the Spaniards. Thus they understood that they were in front
               of  a  cavern  of  titanic  dimensions,  so  huge  that  an  entire  population  existed  there:  and  the
               sound of the gong had warned to all the residents, who noe were going out massively from their
               homes to watch them with curiosity. Almost everyone, noticed the Lord of Tharsis, belonged to
               the same mestizo Race of the Amautas. The exit of the tunnel guided to an elevated corridor
               from where a great part of the cavern was dominated, which was not better illuminated than
               the  precedent  corridor:  under  its  feet  were  hundreds  of  humble  houses  made  of  stone,
               separated by streets and squares, being distinguished some bigger buildings that were surely
               Palaces and Temples. The Atumuruna made indications to follow him and he took the corridor,
               whence some carved stairs started in the rock to descend towards the village.
                      The corridor had an open bend that situated them before a building which perhaps was
               the major of the city: a wide stair, flanked by two tigers of stone, permitted to reach there. In
               the door a group of men with different ages were waiting for them, but with similar clothings
               and  Race  of  the  Atumuruna.  All  demonstrated  intense  joy  for  the  presence  of  the  Lords  of
               Tharsis,  and  some  of  them,  incapable  to  conatin  themselves,  approached  and  clasped  their
               forearm, in some kind of Roman salute. There, the Amautas of the Black Bonnet retired and the
               Atumurunas made them pass to the Palace, to a semicircular hall with stands which gave all the
               impression of being an amphitheatre or forum. The Men of Stone had to accommodate around
               a central table with form of a half moon, while a dozen of Atumurunas was distributed on the
                      An old Atumuruna, to whom they called Tatainga who was much elder that who had
               guided there, took the word and spoke to the Lords of Tharsis:
                      –I know that one of you understand our sacred language. That flatters me enormously.

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