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P. 384

Amautas of the Black Bonnet and a strange personage were waiting for them. He was an old
               man of gray hair and fations of Nordic European, whose blue eyes and clear skin confirmed that
               he belonged to the White Race. As the two first Amautas that the Lords of Tharsis met, the
               white old man and his companions only wanted to see the Stone of Venus. Lito of Tharsis, who
               interpreted  correctly  his  desires,  acceded  patiently  to  it,  unsheating  the  Wise  Sword  and
               removing the ribbon from the hilt. An exclamation of astonishment and acceptance emerged
               from the nine throats. And only then they expressed intentions in the Men of Stone. All have
               unmounted and were placed behind Lito of Tharsis, admired at the same time for the rection of
               their amphitryons. The old man, speaking the same Germanic dialect of the Amautas, but in
               much clearer manner, asked:
               –And the Princess? Have you brought the Princess?
                      Such interrogation disconcerted Lito, who turned back to cross a gaze with his relatives.
               Thus  he  discovered  the  eyes  of  Violante  of  Tharsis,  unrecognizable  as  a  lady  behind  the
               Dominican tunic, and suddenly he understood everything. Hitting his brow with the pal of his
               hand he said smiling:
                      –Surely you are reffering to my cousin Violante. But you are right Noble Old man: She’s
               a  Princess  of  Tharsis!  –Thereupon  he  removed  the  hood  from  leaving  uncovered  the
               countenance of the Lady. When the old man saw her, and the ten Amautas, they smiled hitting
               their brows with the palm of the hand too, imitating the gesture of Lito of Tharsis.
                      The old man was one of the Atumurunas, to whom the words in Quechua, pronounced
               by Lito of Tharsis had invoked. But, who were the Atumurunas? According to what the old man
               said,  who  after  a  narrated  reception  turned  as  sparing  and  laconic  as  the  Amautas,  the
               Atumurunas belonged to a family: they were members of the House «Inga Kollman»:
               «Inga»,  which  meant  «offspring»,  i.e.,  that  the  Atumurunas  were  the  «offspring»  of
                      That was comprehensible, explained Lito to the Men of Stone, due to the particle «ing»
               meant  offspring  in  the  Germanic  laguages,  as  in  Merovingian  or  Carolingian;  but,  who  was
               Kollman?  The  old  man  refused  to  respond  alleging  that  his  relatives  would  explain  it  «in
               Koaty,  the  Isle  of  the  Moon».  Where  was  located  the  «Isle  of  the  Moon»?:  «in  the  Lake
               Titicaca, where they would arrive after a week of march». «The lateral path that guides to from
               the Path of the Gods to Cuzco since days ago that they have left it behind; now they were in a
               region not explored yet by Spaniards; but they had to hurry because the ‘ingas’ had news that
               an expedition to the south was being prepared; the white Huancaquilli reached at last moment,
               when the Atumurunas were desperated to fulfill the admonition of the Gods». And nothing
               else was possible to wrest from the Atumuruna old man.
                      Seven days later they distinguished a colossal fortress of stone in what was the extreme
               South of the Path of the Gods. The Path, in fact, ended in front of the fortress, and this, which
               walls had the form of a half moon, was croppedby a mountain of unprecedent height.
                      Nevertheless  the  Path  was  not  totally  disrupted:  a  secret  exit,  only  adequate  for  the
               Hyperborean Initiates, permitted to cross through the obstacle. There they spent the night and
               were persuaded by the old men to leave the equiptment and the animals there, due to they
               could not transport it to the island. The next day they passed through the secret exit, previous
               libation  of  the  mysterious  potion  by  the  four  Catalans  and  fifty  warriors  that  were
               accompanying them now: the Lords of Tharsis, instead, had just to situtate themselves before
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