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P. 382
another way to cross it surrounding the obstacle: that would be the logical. But it was
appreciated that, the Amautas of the Black Bonnet, as the Lords of Tharsis, were not governed
by the principles of the Logic.
They, without hesitation, went down from their seats and started the preparations. The
Men of Stone, still amazed for the detention, observed the mountainous wall closely and then,
almost simultaneously, understood what was happening: they were in presence of an
entrance sealed by the Vrunes of Navutan, similar to the entrance of the Secret
Cavern of the Candelaria Hill, in the far Huelva. Now the Vrunes were clearly visible for
them and they could cross the wall in an instant, just approaching strategically to the
hidden aperture. But, they were aware that only the Initiates are capable to effectuate such
operation: in the House of Tharsis only a few of thousand of descendants had obtained to do it
and for this reason they were considered Noyos or Vrayas. So, what would they do? They would
abandon the four Catalans?; and, the most intriguant: how would pass those rude warriors,
who were clearly not Initiates?
The answers would not delay to come. One of the Amautas took a recipient of purunku
and, uncovering it, he preceeded to give a drink to each one of the warriors of his guard.
Minutes later the potion made effect and the Indians were like hypnotized, looking
without batting an eye but conserving the equilibrium. Evidently, the drug has deprived them
momentarily of consciousness, because the Amautas were taking them from the shoulders and
were pushing them to the rocks of the mountain; and they were meekly guided. But the most
amazing for the Lords of Tharsis was to see how the Amautas introduced the warrior in
the secret entrance and disappeared in the interior of the enormous rocks, to return
immediately for the others.
–Gods! –Exclaimed Lito of Tharsis–. If our House would have posseseed the formula of
that substance…
Finally only the Spaniards remained in that side of the mountain, and the Amautas
offered the purunku making signals to the Lords of Tharsis to make them drink. The six Men of
Stone desisted to consume the drug, but they forced to sceptics Catalans to do it. Each one of
them sipped a little and experienced, minutes later, fulminat effect: they fell on the floor
profoundly asleep. Thereupon they dragged them to secret entrance, but inexplicably now was
possible to introduce them therein.
Such secret entrancenot guided, as in Huelva, to a cavern but a tunnel of some hundred
metres of longitude, in which extreme appeared a new motive of surprise for the Lords of
Tharsis. In fact, at the exit of the tunnel they found themselves in the middle of a stone
carriageway with walls at each side and perfectly aligned from North to South, which was lost
in the distance towards both cardinal points. Over the lateral walls, engraved with signs of the
futhark runic alphabet, were seen inscriptions and signs.
–There are no doubts that it is about a Germanic language. However –commented Lito–
this path has the aspect of the construction of the White Atlanteans. Look these stones! The
manner in which they are carved! They are authentic menhirs that only they could have
The observation of Lito was promptly confirmed by the Amautas: when they came to
these lands, many centuries ago, that path was already there. But only the Initiates
could cross through it and for this reason it was called «The Path of the Gods». The