Page 423 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 423
–I don’t know, thus just how I found it, I brought to you–I said without exaggerate too
–Well, if it’s not, it seems to! Hebrew and Celt! Come on Arturo; or this is joke or it is
something dead serious. For now, the word h v h i is the famous tetragrammaton, name of God
of four letters, of disastrous power according to the kabbalists and it reads more or less
«YHVH», being the «Hs» letters that can adopt the sound of the Greek «ETA», that´s to say,
similar to the Spanish «E». In regard to h g i v, it translation is «Binah» and it means
«Intelligence»; but not any intelligence but the «Supreme Intelligence», the Intelligence of God,
precisely the Intelligence of YHVH Elohim: for the Hebrew Kabbalah, Binah is one of the ten
Sephiroth or Aspects of the God One.
How familiar and full of sense resulted to me in that moment the explanations of the
Professor, when I placed them inevitably in the scheme of the letter of Belicena Villca and her
terrible death. But the Professor continued:
–The phrase «ada aes sidhe draoir mac hwch» is, undoubtedly, ancient Celt or one of
its multiple dialects. The Celt language evolves, from the Indo-European tree, in two branches:
1 the Goidelic or Old Irish, mother of the Irish and the Gaelic; and 2 the Brittonic,
which gave birth to the Breton, the Welsh and the Cornish. I’d tell you that these words
belong to the Old Irish, just as appears in the sagas «The Chant of Merlin» or in the poems of
the Bard Taliesin, written in the V century.
It is curious, Merlin (in Welsh «Myrddin», and deformed later in Germanic languages
«Merlin») was Druid¸ just as Taliesin, and the phrase that you have brought me alludes to the
Druids: «Draoi» means Druid in Celt. The complete phrase would be «Victory to the Divine
Druid, Son of the Wild Boar», according to the following vocabulary:
Ada = Victory
Aes Sidhe = Divine
Draoi = Druid
Mac = Son
HWCH = Wild Boar