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P. 425
in the most obscure mystery. Some of these writers, who come to my memory, are, for example,
Julius Caesar, Posidonius, Cicero, Diodorus Siculus, Stabro, Pliny, Tacitus, Lucian, Suetonius,
Diogenes Laërtius, Origen, etc.
None of them provide much light about them and that is at my judgement due to three
reasons: 1 because their teaching was oral, 2 because their teaching was initiatic, 3 and
main reason, because those who were more interested to occult all what concerns to the
«Druid», were the own Druids.
In regard to your appreciation that they constituted some kind of «Priestly Caste», I’ll
tell you that they didn’t simulate to be neither this one nor the other. They not formed a caste
but an Order; and they would not be «Priests» because they didn’t officiate openly the rituals of
a Cult, as would correspond to deserve such qualification. However, the fact that they not
officiated a Cult openly doesn’t means that they not possessed one and practiced it in secrecy,
in the thickness of the forests, nearby the millenary megalithic constructions that They
adapted for such purpose. Yes, Dr. Siegnagel. You are right in this point: the Druids were
Priests; and of the worst kind that has been registered in the History of mankind.
You also believe, that they were «Wise and that they had a very despicable moral». Well,
about their «Wisdom» there are few doubts because they possessed all the aspects of the Celtic
knowledge. Otherwise the opinions are divided, when are referred to the Druid moral, a
pederast General as Julius Caesar (100-400 B.C.) found them pleasant and he even sent the
Viviciano to Rome as Ambassador. But in the moral aspect, the future Consul left a lot to be
desired; on the other hand Stabro (60 B.C.), famous Greek geographer, contemporaneous with
Julius, mentioned acts of tremendous cruelty «that are opposed to our mores» and relates
how the Druids realized omens «reading» the profound pains of a victim stabbed from behind.
They were also fond to the human sacrifices, which were consumed introducing the
victims in a huge wicker man which was burnt later.