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P. 431
that the legislator of a people be not a racial member of that people and notwithstanding it, be
accepted «voluntarily» (?) by them. Because the Druids were not Celts even for all the attempts
to falsify the History that have been made with this purpose. Perhaps a little of light about this,
could be obtained considering the discovery of Frisian manuscript «Oera Linda». In this
document, written with runic inscriptions, is narrated the ancient history of the Frisian People,
which it seems to be a remnant of the «Atland», an Atlantean colony situated in the North of
Europe, in front to Great Britain some five thousand years ago. It is not about the legendary
Atlantis, mentioned by Plato, which would have existed twelve thousand years before; but as
this one, the Atland also succumbed to a cataclysm. –The Professor opened the hanging carpet
thumbing through hundreds photocopies, within the ones that I recognized «The manuscripts
of the Dead Sea, facsimile edited by the UNESCO», he extracted a folio written in runic
language, which was the copy of the Oera Linda. With it, there was a translation to the English
made and commented by Robert Scrutton in 1977, entitled «The other Atlantis». From this last
one he read, before my curiosity, the next: «The implications of the Oera Linda are that
some refugees of the submersed Atland, reached the general area of the Netherlands
and Denmark, dwelled already by Atlandeans colonists at least since the year 4000
B.C. they established there and contacted with their relatives, who, as pirates,
seamen and merchants, had maintained communication with the mother land and
with the divers places of the world colonized by the Atlandeans».
«As time went by, the Frisian descendants wrote narrations of the mother land,
its people, its history, its religion and law. After each generation, some of the most
ancient writings were lost, while some others were resumed and new chapters were
added to the history of such people. Thus they became in the diary of the renewed and
modernized people, in a sacred truth for the family who possessed it».
«These summaries and additions continued being realized by the descendants
of the Atland until the year 1256 of our Age, giving therefore, always if it is accepted
the authenticity of the manuscripts, the testament of the history of a people for 3000
or 5000 years: an unparalleled document in the human History».
«Nothing was added after the year 1256, date in which Hiddo Over de Linda of
Friesland, collected all the existent material in a new paper made of cotton, that the
Arabs had brought to Spain and that was beginning to be utilized in all Europe».
«The copy finally passed from one generation to another of the family, until the
year 1848, date in which a woman, Aafjie Meylhof (born Over de Linden), gave it to
her nephew Cornelius Over de Linden. This last, who was master of ships in the