Page 434 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 434

–Professor Ramirez, excuse me if I interrupt you, but ¿there are Druids in this Age? –I
               asked with vehemence.

               The old Professor sighed resigned.

                      –You are  asking  me a very  concrete  question and  I will try to respond it in identical
               form; but you must comprehend that it is not easy and I should put you aware about some facts
               to  so  that  you  can  judge,  by  yourself,  the  validity  of  my  answer: because  if  there  are  Celtic
               societies  and  authors  dedicated  to  the  study  of  Druidism,  it  is  only  about  historians  or
               dilettantes but not real Fili. Thereby the truth must be searched, in other part.

                      For many centuries the Druidism seemed to be eclipsed, specifically (as you said well at
               the beginning of our chatter) since the conversion of the Celtic peoples to Christianity. This
               conversion is very early, due to St. Patrick converted Ireland to Catholicism between the years
               432 and 463. The Celtic peoples of the Gauls were in that Age under the dominion of Germanic
               dynasties,  who  embraced  in  all  the  cases  the  Arian  Christianity,  doctrine  elaborated  by  the
               Libyan presbyter Arius in 318 and condemned of heresy in the Council of Nicea of 325. The
               father LLorca, in his monumental Manual of the Ecclesiastical History, says that, according to
               Arius:  «There  is  just  one  God,  eternal  and  incommunicable.  The  verb,  Christ,  is  not
               eternal, but created from the naught. Hence is a real creature, much more excellent
               than the others; but not consubstantial with the Father. Therefore he is not God».

                      This doctrine threatened the catholic «Mystery» of the Trinity and for this reason was
               fiercely fought by the Roman Popes.

                      Whatever  it  was,  the  truth  is  that  the  in  the  conversion  of  the  Arian  nobility  to  the
               Catholicism, the Celt population succumbed who had to accept the new dogma, as previously
               had accepted the Arianism, that’s to say, by imposition.

                      The  Visigoth  Kingdom  of  Spain,  becomes  Catholic  all  of  sudden  in  the  Council  III  of
               Toledo in 589, with the conversion of the King Reccared by St. Leander. But the definitive step
               for the Catholicization of the Celtic Gaul, was already given by the unknown Frank King Clovis,
               who at had been converted in the year 496, became in an instrument of the Church for the
               missionary conquest.

                      It could be thought that the Druids –of such rude opposition against the Hyperborean
               Gods Tuatha de Danan in Ireland– would organize the defence against the new faith (lunar)
               which displaced the Celtiberian ancient cult (solar) of the God Beleno (worshiped in Greece as
               Apollo as well) and the Mother Goddess Belisana.

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