Page 437 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 437
remember that great part of France and Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland,
Scotland, part of Spain and the 50% of the White America, are Celts.
At this point of the conversation (or monologue I should say, due to the Professor with
his precision didn’t give place to interruption) I was profoundly impressed. Professor Ramirez
knew much more about the matter than I had imagined at the beginning of the conversation. I
decided to continue with the game and simulate major astonishment. To act with conviction I’d
try to take the dialogue to a concrete terrain.
–I can comprehend perfectly The Great Jewish World Conspiracy, Professor, because the
declared objective by the Rabbis or simple Hebrews in all times, is the World Dominion and the
submission of the Humanity to the Chosen People by Jehovah. «The celestial Israel –says the
Talmud– has as objective of glory to reign above the gentile people».
But, what objective chases the Druids perpetuating themselves through the pass of the
centuries to guide the Celts in secrecy, by means of their damn Science? Not an imperialist
objective, because the Celts never had an Empire, but they established confederations of tribes
or populations whose offspring started with the «Campaign of the Gauls» realized by Julius
Caesar. Neither an objective that implied a spiritual benefit for the Celts, because, I don’t doubt
it anymore, the Fili are impulsed by some evil purpose. Why they do it, for God’s sake, why?
I tried to set forth the query the best I could to the Professor Ramirez. He remained
pensive for a large minute and then, with a gesture of dejection, responded: –I don’t know Dr.
Siegnagel –he called me alternatively Arturo or Dr. Siegnagel–. I can just conjecture something.
But you must take present that, this is just a conjecture! In no way I could prove it. I will
tell you what I think, but I’d never repeat it outside of this office and of this moment.
I restrained the breathing fearing that the Professor would keep quiet.
–It is well-known is that the financial Jewish power started to be developed at the ends
of the Middle Ages, when the goldsmiths in precious metals (almost always Jews), in the
obligation to build security chambers to save the gold and silver of the feudal Lords and Nobles,
they began to effectuate loans to interest, utilizing as guarantee these foreign deposits. The
first step was the emission of a document, recognized by everyone, as «element to pay», real
currency paper which permitted to merchandize without necessity to effectuate metallic
payments. Of course that this «discovery» went rapidly adopted and utilized at the whim of
great merchants and lenders, at the style of «The Merchant of Venice» that was so brilliantly
portrayed by Shakespeare. But, the secret of the enrichment was doubtlessly in the usury, real
origin of the «Bank».