Page 439 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 439
carry out the untold World Power. And that impious connection is given by the Druids! Here
part of the truth! –the Professor almost screamed, signalizing the draw of the jewel–. But, what
is this paper? Nothing, not a proof, just a senseless draw found by a student, but that contains
the secret of some forces that move the World.
–I believe that I can deduce, starting from such meaningful arguments, that you have
responded affirmatively to my query –I said changing of conversation and disposed to not
reveal anything about the crime of Belicena Villca–. Should I infer that would exist Druids
–My appreciated Dr. Siegnagel, that question is perhaps destined to be responded by
yourself. I’ve given you enough information and I can only assure you that the historical
investigation, unless that another Oera Linda appears or that the Private Library of the Vatican
be opened, it would not throw anything new about the Druids –he affirmed flatly.
–Why? –I asked, this time with real surprise.
–For a very simple reason, but inexplicable, Dr. Sieg-na-gel –said the Professor with
irony, almost spelling my German surname–. Because between 1939 and 1945 specialist
battalions of the Waffen , Elite German Body, emptied Europe of the few documents that
existed about the Druids.
–For what could the want that information? –I asked with distrust, because I didn’t
like the course that the conversation had taken.
–That was never known with security. During those years was believed that the
documentation was transported to the most important training centre of the , specialized in
Religion and Occultism of more than 50.000 volumes. But when the war ended, part of this
valuable material and the «Restricted Circle» of the (some 250 super-trained and super-
secret men) had evaporated as if by magic.
You know –said me the Professor with complicity gaze– all these histories about occult
shelters, the group ODESSA, … bah, humbugs.
–Yes –I assented with a gesture and I looked to the clock. 20 hs. 30 minutes. I calculated
that we were five hours reunited and I felt shame to abuse in such form of the precious time of
the Professor.