Page 444 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 444
Orders or Sects –or simply of the «Leaders»–, the subaltern or untold finality; the inadmissible
and intolerable entailment.
I went discovering these occult finalities with indignation, obeyed to three modus
operandi of the synarchic forces: a «military» mode, a «political» mode, and a «religious»
mode¸ not implying this classification an order of importance or apparition. The «Synarchic
Secret Societies», I’ll use this generic name, could behave according to one, two, or three of the
mentioned modes, and to tend firmly to the fulfilment of their secret finalities. In a last
instance, I started to suspect, all were reunited in a common objective: the attainment of the
dominion of the Planet, favour the jack of the World Power by part of a hierarchic group of
men. Naturally, that I ignored in that moment, until the lecture of Belicena Villca, that the
receivers of the universal effort were the members of the Chosen People. But, here was what I
warned: the Intelligence Services of any type and country, «military» mode of the synarchic
Secret Societies, are occupied to infiltrate in all the possible organizations, including the
religious Churches or sects, when they are not directly controlled, as occurs for example with
the Church of Saints of the Last Days (Mormons) which is skilfully managed by the C.I.A. The
International Marxism, the Trotskyism, the Zionism, etc., «political» modes of the Secret
Societies, are behind of hundreds of innocent organizations that serve them as façade. And
inside the «religious» modes are thousands of groups or reduced organizations controlled by
the Synagogue, the Protestant Churches, the Islam, the Buddhism, and even the Catholic
Church. And always the last objective is to create the widest possible spectrum to end with all
the ideological variants and catch all the dissidents of the Great International Lines. «No one
must remain out of the control of the Synarchy» seems to be the motto that guides them.
The discovery of this black reality, subjacent under the false promises of spiritual
elevation and progress, took me that state of «absence of an ideal» that I defined in some part
of the narration. Thenceforth I continued living more or less normal until I got interested in
the Anthropology, but the reaction to the treacherous past experiences induced me to distrust
systematically of the «good faith» of the institutions socially organized. I reached to feel
spontaneous repugnance at taking contact, for first time, with some association with the
declared finality –I divined it immediately– I was veiled betrayed in favour of their
international occult tendencies.
Definitively I didn’t trust in any earthly organization as intermediary between a
Superior Spiritual Order and the Material World.
Considering the already mentioned, the dilemma in which I was then: to comply with
the request of Belicena Villca, I should face a Secret Society of Druids, men who possessed
terrible powers according to what was derived from the letter and the declarations of Professor