Page 518 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 518

I ignored till today that existed another von Sübermann alive with such mark. Dad, with
               whom  I  spoke  about  this  at  last,  told  me  that  according  to  a  familiar  tradition,  one  of  our
               ancestors  «proved»  to  his  contemporaneous  by  means  of  some  signals,  «to  be  a  chosen  one
               from Heaven», in virtue of that King Albert II of Austria gave him the title of Baron in the XV
               century.  Thenceforth  such  Age,  the  familiar  annals  were  registered,  being  all  the  precedent
               obscure  and unknown.  In  the subsequent  centuries,  the  family  was  always  dedicated  to  the
               sugar  production,  as  Belicena  Villca  says  in  her  letter,  and  stayed  alert  to  the  apparition  of
               descendants with «especial aptitudes». Indeed, there were many members of the Lineage who
               demonstrated  to  possess  supernatural  faculties,  but  no  one  achieved  to  resolve  the  familiar
               enigma. Only the last generations of Egyptian branch, could approach to the solution of the
               mystery, when they discovered the existence of a mark or sign of cyclic apparition amongst the
               members of family through the pass of time. But except for this new, obtained thanks to the
               conctact realized with certain ulemas, wise men of the Islam, little is what could be known with
               more precision.

                      For  my  desperation  Uncle  Kurt  continued  approaching  to  the  door,  with  the  firm
               intention to leave.

                      –I’ll make you the second questions –I said–. Could you know what the Sign is?

                      Uncle Kurt did an annoyance gesture.

                      –Do you think that an answer that I myself searched for many years can be summarized
               in  two  words?  I  guess  that  your  answer  points  to  the  Symbol  of  the  Origin,  which  is  the
               metaphysical cause of our Sign. If it is thus, I’ll only tell you all what I could find out about it is
               less  than  what  Belicena  Villca  exposses  in  her  letter.  I  coincide  completely  with  her,  and

               according to what was revealed to me in the Black Order   , is that the Symbol of the Origin is
               attached  to  the  Mystery  of  spiritual  incarceration.  The  Symbol  of  the  Origin,  neffe,  is
               analogous to a Charismatical Mark: who is included by such mark, conscious or not,
               «oriented» or not towards it, remains inevitable chained to the Matter; who achieves
               instead  to  gird  the  mark,  understand  or  transcend  it,  achieves  to  liberate  himself
               from the incarceration, «is free in the Origin». And those who seek to maintain the
               Eternal Spirit chained under such mark, or Symbol of the Origin, are the Masters of
               the Kâlachakra, the White Fraternity of Chang Shambalah. And those who try that
               the Spirit transcends the Symbol of the Origin, perhaps understanding the Serpent,
               are the Initiates in the Hyperborean Wisdom, the Liberator Gods of Agartha.

                      This is, in sum, what I know about the Symbol of the Origin. Now well, if your question
               is in regard to the Sign as mark, I’l tell you that I know even less, because the Sign can be only
               recognized by who already knows it.
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