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P. 522

–Five  languages  are  more  that  enough  to  ingress  to  the  NAPOLA  of  Lissa  –Said
               Professor Haupt– but we are interested in your dominion of the Arab.

                      Are  you  disposed  to  study  other  languages  of  the  Middle  East  or  Asia,  let’s  say  for
               example, Turkish or Russian?

                      –Yes. I’d like to learn other languages and I am disposed to study whatever suits to serve
               the  homeland,  –I  replied  a  little  perplexed  because  I  would  have  never  thought  that  in  the
               NAPOLA I’d receive so specific training.

                      –So  there’s nothing else to talk about,  –Said  Professor Haupt–. I’ll make give you an
               incorporation order. The next Monday you must present yourself in Lissa.

                      –We’ve agreed with Herr that this would be the better career for his son. Normally in the
               School NAPOLA is dictated the study plan of secondary official teachings with specialization in
               letters, natural sciences, modern languagesm etc., but by a reserved decree of the Führer, we
               have just created an especial division Asiatic studies. This division will be called «Selective Body
               of Oriental Studies» and there the future Ostenführerwill be formed who, later, will serve in
               especial missions in Asia. The Reichführer, Himmler has presented a project about the study
               plans, and one of the requirements to comply is the dominion of the Asiatic languages. We’ve
               Professors  of  Tibetan  and  Mongol  dialects,  and  Sanskrit.  The  young  Kurt  can  be  a  good
               assistant for the Professor in Arab, what is an adventage for all.

                      Will be three intensive years in the NAPOLA, that will be completed later, if our plans
               are realized, with a posterior training in the   . This is a confidential information that I reveal
               to you by the only fact that Herr Hess endorses his decision.

                      I understand that being you in Egypt, could never take care appropriately for the welfare
               of your son. Have you thought to whom you will delegate the responsibility of the Tutorship? –
               Asked Professor Haupt.

                      Dad and Rudolph Hess looked each other and, thereupon, he moved the head in silent

                      –I’ll take care of the young Kurt –Said Rudolph Hess–. Dipose the necessary documents
               for this formality.

                      –So, it is all solved –Said Professor Haupt– Are you agree Baron von Sübermann?

                      –Absolutelly agree. I could never find another best Tutor for my son, neither exist in
               Germany anyone in whom I trust more than in Rudolph –Said Dad, who was still moved by the
               gesture of Rudolph Hess.

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