Page 526 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 526

The disgusted face that he did when I went was as a presage that I had did something
               wrong supposing that the Professor could include me in his plans. Nevertheless the bag presage
               that I had, I decided to play my card.

                      –Heil Hitler –I said by all greeting.

                      –What do you want von Sübermann? –He said ignoring the politic salute.

                      –Excuse  me  Herr  Professor.  I  have  known  that  you  select  personal  for  an  important
               mission  in  Asia  and,  even  though  I  don’t  know  much  about  it,  I  want  you  to  consider  the
               possibility to include me. That’s to say, I offer me voluntarily.

                      –You  von  Sübermann?  –He  was  looking  at  me  sharpening  the  gaze,  with  a  cynical
               expression–. And why do you want to go to Asia von Sübermann?

                      –I think that you have  misunderstood me Herr Professor. I want to  be useful to the
               homeland and that is a form to demonstrate it. Perhaps my knowledges about the mores and
               languages of the Middle East, could serve in your mission. Or my pilot license. Or the languages
               of Middle East. I have the will to serve and for this reason I offer myself –I said with conviction.

                      The  gesture,  sardonic  in  a  first  instance,  in  the  countenance  of  the  Professor,  was
               turning aggressive and in his eyes shone through a glare of ire. I was a little uncontrolled too
               and I was aleready feeling the bllod boiling in my veins. Finally, in that 1937, I was 19 years old
               and the proud Professor, not more than 25 or 26, that’s to say, ages in which is convenint to
               measure the words and gestures…

                      –Karl von Sübermann –Said with violence– I must give thanks for you goodwill, but you
               are the last person that I’d take to Asia, did you understand?

                      –No, Herr Professor –I replied, because I really not understood the motive by which the
               Professor Schaeffer hated me up the extreme that he couldn’t dissimulate it.

                      –Don’t you understand von Sübermann? –He started to scream in uncontrollable form–.

               Well, I’ll tell you with all the letters. You are a sinister person, carrier of an ignominius mark.
               Its presence is an affront to God, who in his infinite compassion permits you to live amongst
               men. You should be rejected, separated from us or, better, exterminated as a rat, because you,
               von  Sübermann,  contaminates  with  sin  all  what  sorrounds  you,  you…  –Ernst  Schaeffer
               continued his insults, absolutely out of his head and me, that in a first moment had remained
               amazed at hearing the allusion to the Sign, was reacting rapidly.

                      Without thinking it twice, I shot the right fist in the face of the Professor, hitting him
               full in the chin. The stroke was very strong, because it sent him stumbling many metres away,
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