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P. 531
outpour of Alexandria and Cairo, guided by the Unknown Superiors up here, to put your great
spiritual capacity at the service of the National-Socialist Cause.
At seeing you –Continued saying the Führer– I comprehend the Sacred that is the work
that we have taken over our shoulders, at founding the Reich of the thousand years. Our cause
is not only the best ideal for which could live or die a German, it is also the freedom of
mankind, of the struggle to save world from the dark forces, of the final combat against the
Rosenberg and Dad were assenting with their heads to every affirmation of the Führer,
who continued emplying mystic concepts without allowing anyone to interrupt his monologue.
I distracted myself thinking in the strange power that I felt when I saluted the Führer. A
powerful Force emanated from Hitler, I didn’t know whether it was voluntarily or
spontaneously and I wondered if he obtained that charm by means of some secret technique, of
some occult knowledge that a few privileged can accede.
–… then tell me young Kurt, who are definitively the enemies of Germany? Against
whom are we fighting with? –Asked Hitler looking at me.
I reacted before the unexpected question, with the desperation to have been disregarded
a part of the conversation. Three pairs of eyes of Rosenberg, Hess and Dad, were placed on me
waiting for an answer. However what I have reached to hear was enough for me, because the
answer appeared by itself in the deep of the unconscious.
–The Enemy is one, –I affirmed definitely– is YHVH-Satan.
I replied intuitively and in such firm manner that there were no possible rectifications. I
looked at my Dad, who went instantly livid, and I saw the surprise painted in all the faces.
–Very good, young Kurt, very good, –Said Hitler with an expression of intense joy–. You
have given the best answer. You could have identified as our most terrible enemies to the
Judeomasonry, the Judeomarxism, the Zionism, etc., but these names just represent different
Aspects of a same reality, different Faces of a same and ferocious Enemy: YHVH-Satan, the
Demiurg of this World. Just an Initiate or a enlightened as you or Rudolph, could give so
precise answer. Is it not true Alfred?
Rosenberg smiled pleased.
–I congratulate you young von Sübermann –Said Alfred Rosenberg– you are a person of
clear concepts.