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P. 533
These words of the Führer surprised me vividly for their metaphysical implications. The
Jews don’t constitute a Race like the other, composed by individuals?... it was a disturbing
theory that I’ve just heard.
–Are you surprised young Kurt? –Asked the Führer, who warned immediately my
bewilderment. But he didn’t give my time to respond and continued his explanation:
Because you have not head anything yet: Israel is a «Chrakra» of the Earth, that’s to say,
is a psychic collective manifestation of the Demiurg Jehovah and for this reason we affirm
that the Jew doesn’t exist as individual; that they are not men like the rest who integrates the
human race.
But the manifestation of Jehovah in a Chosen Race, is a more or less recent occurrence,
of a few thousands of years, and the ordination of the Matter or «Creation» dates thousands
of years ago. For this reason, the «newness» that represents the name «Jehovah» compared
with other names of the Demiurge, that older and more culturally important populaces in
History employed, and for the geological antiquity of the Universe, is that it seems excessive
to designate with the name «Jehovah» a cosmic God. But it is just about an appearance. Here it
must be imagined a Primordial Demiurg to whom we can comfortably denominate The One,
just as the Stoics did. He is who ordinates the chaos and diffuses pantheistically around the
whole Universe (he is also the Hindu Brahama or the Arab Allah, etc. taken these
denominations on their exoteric religious acceptation).
But the Cosmic Plan, in some manner has to be called the idea of the material
Universe, sits on the reveire of the Demiurge, a state of stillness which, however, impulses the
Cosmos, as the «Immobile Motor God» of Aristotle in that Great Day of Manifestation, which
is called as well, great manvantara. But, to make it «work» without necessity of the intervention
of The One, «who sleeps while all live in Him», it is necessary to dispose of an «authomatic
system of correction». This is the role that comply the named Cosmic Hierarchies, myriads of
conscious entities emanated from The One to maintain the impulse given to the Universe and
carry out his Plan. The first step of the «emanation» are the monads, superior Archetypes that
base the whole cosmic structure also the matrixes of The One’s Plan.
These conscious entities, Angels, Devas, Solar Logos, Galactic Logos, Planetary Souls,
etc. are not individual beings but are part of the own One and possess, thereby, mere
appearance of existence due to the grades of freedom with which they are gifted during the
manvantara. For the existence of something, individually, an entity for example, it is
necessary to suppose (or superimpose) the act of existence to its real being, what also suppose
the subsistence of the entity, that avoids the communication of its substantial essence with
other entities or its metapshysical participation with other beigns, it means, it puts formal