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Plan, now modified. For that it encarnates in the name of The One, in a «Chosen Race» to reign
over the enslaved Hyperoborean Spirits. That is the Hebrew Race. It means that we have on one
side the Occult Hierarchy of Chang Shambalah, with its Demons: The Traitor Leaders and their
chief: the King of the World, who carry out now the «evolution» of the planet and are who
«guide» the Races by means of a sinister organization called Synarchy. And on the other side we
have the Hebrew Race which is just the modification of Sanat Kumara in the Earth to occupy
the highest level of the Synarchy, in the name of The One. The same Hebrews in their Kabbalah
study that «Isreal is one of the 10 Sephiroth, the sephirah Malkuth, that’s to say one of the
emanations of The One.
Finally, Jehovah is the kabbalistic name the Demiurg The One that Sanat Kumara
represents in the Earth and that, as I said at the beginning of this pleasant conversation, the
last historic name that we know of Him. For that reason we, the Ancient Hyperborean
Beings that still remain chained in Hell, must have very present that «The Enemy is Jehovah
Satan, The Demiurge of This World», as the young Kurt said well.
The Führer continued enthusiastic in his large monologue and, even though a log hour
had passed and the curious gazes of many people who wanted to sit on the table were raining
upon us, nobody in Germany would have been capable to interrupt him for such prosaic motive
as to take a meal. I, by my part just wanted to continue hearing his incredible revelations and
for that reason, when he asked me if I had comprehended, I did not hesitate to present him my
–There’s something that worry me –I said imeediatly–. All what you have said, my
Führer, about the Demiurge The One I understand perfectly and I accept it, but I can’t stop
wondering, who is God then, the real God? Or…?
–That is a cuestion that you musn’t ask yourself, young Kurt, –Affirmed the Führer–.
Not while your mind be subjected to the rational logic, because you’ll only achieve to
arrive to indestructible paradoxes. But it is evident that the doubt has already germinated on
you and that you will continue meditating on it. I will give you then a provisory answer: God is
unknowable for all who has not conquered the Vril. Have always present this truth, young
Kurt: from the miserable condition os slave of Jehovah Satan it is not possible to know God,
due to He is absolutely transcendental. It is necessary to travel a long journey of blood
purification to know something about God, about the «Real God», as you say well. The majority
of the great religions, at talking of God, refer to the Demiurg The One. This occurs because the
Races that dwell the world in ourdays have benn «worked» by the Demons of Shambalah,
implanting synarchic ideas in ther genetic memory of their members, to be able to design
them towards the Great Collective Architect which is called Manu. Thus, perceiving the reality