Page 542 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 542
another parallel path that you must take and that entails efforts and sacrifices. Is an occult
path, esoteric, that will allow you improve yourself spiritually and will resolve your most secret
doubts. Have you heard abou the Thulegesellschaft?
I thought for a moment, more for compromise than for another thing, I had the
certainty that I had never heard that name.
–No–I replied.
–It is a secret group of Wise men, –Said Rudolph Hess with respectful tone–. I will ease
your ingress to the Order and they will help you to progress, but you must understand since the
beginning the next: the Hyperborean Orders as the Thulegesellschaft follow a circular
disposition. In the mundane Organizations as the Frankmasonry –or if it desired to simplify: as
any buroucratic administrative– is advanced vertically, step by step, from the base of a triangle
uo to the apex, which occupies the highest Hierarchy. On the contrary in a Hyperborean Order
is advanced overpassing concentric circles. You, for example, once in the Order are a wide circle,
perhaps the external circle. I am not saying that you form part of a circle or occupy a place in
the circle, but that «you are the circle». As you, there are other members who are circles of
major or minor diameter, organized concentrically around a centre of Power occupied by the
highest level of Wisdom. For this reason I say that it is advanced «overpassing circles» and not
«traversing circles» of different level, because the Hyperobrean Wisdom consists into tighten
the own circle towards the centre; into «restrict the circle» until our capacity permits to. Do you
understand patekind?
–I think so –I said without much conviction–. But all these that you explain so gently,
brings me stillness and tranquillity. Have the security that I’ll do all what’s possible to not
defraud your trust nor the faith of your Father.
–Well, then there’s nothing else to talk about. Do you remember Papp, the officer
that you met in Berchtesgaden? Now he is Oberführer. With him you will talk at your
return from Egypt to know the steps to be followed.
Rudolph Hess pressed a button, obtaining for answer the hasty coming of an officer of
custody. He ordered him to dipose to bring champagne to the important office. He didn’t drink
but this was different, he said, because we should toast for my graduation and the future of
Germany. Then he began an honest conversation with Dad, remembering common anecdotes
of their days as students and of Egypt.
Thus concluded the stage as student in my life, neffe Arturo. At my return to Egypt
things took another course and, while I was complying with the different training stages in the