Page 543 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 543
Waffen to reach in 1939 to the castle Werwelsburg, I also passed through different circles
of the Thulegesellschaft. As the events that will really surprise you, due to they are connected
with your own experience, occur immediately, since 1937, I’ll try to resume them with some
detail. Recently, in 1939, at returning from my terrible mission, infernal, which was the
Operation Altwesten, I received the instruction that permitted me to understand everything
in part. The next years, specially since 1941, I passed them realizing missions in Asia, similar
missions to the one that I had carried out in the Operation Altwesten and analogues, also, to
the esoteric mission realized by Rudolph Hess with his historical flight to England in 1941;
missions of the same strategic characteristic to the fulfilled by Belicena Villca and her son
Noyo, i.e., missions of tactical diversion to confuse and divert the Enemy; but missions that
require the previos Hyperborean Initiation of their agents for their exection.
But we’ll leave this part of the narration for later. Now are the 12:30 hrs. and the good Juana
must have ready the dinner.
Chapter XIII
Effectively, one instant later the oldwoman entered bringin in a tray an appetizing
creole stewpot. Chiquizuela, sausage, bacon, chickpeas, kidney bean, potatoes, carrots, all boiled
and reeky, accompanied with salad oil, vinegar and mustard.
The last relation of Uncle Kurt filled me with expectatives and curiosity. While I was
smearing the corncob with the yellow home butter I not stopped thinking about the particular
experiences lived by Uncle Kurt in the Third Reich and especially in his predestined relation
with Rudolph Hess, strange lieutenant of Adolf Hitler. That period in the recent History, which
goes from 1933 to 1945, to me as for most of those who were born after the war, escaped to me
on its vital dynamic. The allies, victorious in a war which is, without exaggeration, the greatest
one that the Universal History remembers, presents us a puerile image of the loser nations and
of the Period before the war. The spokesmen of the thriumphant alliance, helpless moral and
intellectually to refute with arguments even credible to the Great Nationalist Ideologies of the
prewar, resort to the irrational system to utilyze the lie, the calumny, the disinformation, etc.
With the perverse intention to confuse and devaluate the meaning of the words, it is
denominated, for example, «Fascist» to any sudamerican tyrant, closer to a capo of the mafia
than to a brilliant stadistician as «El Duce». The Fascism, the NationaloSocialism, the Japanese