Page 544 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 544
Traditionalism, complete Systems of Politic Philosophy, appear in the pen of Publicists of the
Revenge, unprovided of their mystic content, spiritual and intellectual, reduced to rough
totalitarian schemes and their leaders of these movements are presented as pathologic cases.
For these reasons the narration of Uncle Kurt had the double virtue to illuminate me
about an obscure period of the recent History, which he lived intensily and to permit me verify
what I suspected since I began to doubt about the «spiritual virtues» of some «Ally Potencies»
that have sunk the world in the materialism and decadence. This is: that the mentioned Great
Nationalist Systems, specially the National Socialism, occulted a powerful spiritual and secret
current behind the fachade of its respective politic organizations. In an esoteric undertone,
zealously hidden by the ferocious winners, which a spiritual light existed, a not revealed finality
that now was unveiled in the narration of Uncle Kurt. What pretended the Führer and the
other leaders of the Third Reich? What was trying to do Rudolph Hess when he flew to England
on May of 1941? Many cuestions like these were dancing in my mind during the whole luch
and I felt joy considering the possibility that Uncle Kurt had the answers.
On the other hand a shameful feeling of humility assaulted me each time that I
remembered how I reached here, persuaded to be embarked in a unique adventure, to be
privileged protagonist in a cosmic drama. Because what had happened to me, without
underestimate the real danger that it implicated, was a children game at the light of the
experience lived by my Uncle . And thinking thus, I felt that new forces came in my succor
to comply with the demand of Belicena Villca.
Since some days ago I desired to abandon the bed of the sick because I was feeling very
recovered. However something unconscious was blocking my will when I decided to dress and
went down to the inferior floors of the house. At the beginning I didn’t know what was
preventing m e to do it, but then I went discovering with stupor that simply the idea to face the
dogos that walked freely through the park around the house terrified me. In more than one
opportunity I had observed them through the window and, even for their huge size and fiery
stamp, not seemed really aggressive. I should accept then without reservations the explanation
of Kurt that they attacked induced by him, but one thing is to say it and other to face those
animals after so unpleasant previous experience.
But this time I was firmily decided to abandon the bed of the sick. After dressing myself,
for first time in fifteen days, with clothing that I took from my baggage, I went down slowly the
beautiful onyx staircase which guided to the wide livingroom, unknown until that moment for
me. I didn’t find anyone at sight and, without many desires to explore the house by my own, I
settle down in a comfortable elbowchair –was the same where I lay the first night– in front of
the wide windows that guided to the park.