Page 535 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 535

–I guess that you already know this theosophical theory that the Synarchy teaches on its
               Masonic or Rosicrucian sects, and that you must feel frightened in front of a deterministic
               conception  in  which  there  is  no  foreseen  place  for  the  individual  eternal  existence,  i.e.,
               beyond  the  pralayas  and  manvantaras.  And  precisely  that  consternation,  that  scream  of
               rebellion that you must perceive sprouting from your Pure Blood, constitute an exception to
               all the rules of the determinist mechanic of The One, because it speaks about another reality
               alien to His Material Universe. ¿How could this be that if we have said that all what exists in
               the Cosmos, has been thought and made by Him, according to His Plan and through his cosmic
               and  planetary  Hierarchies?  Well,  young  Kurt,  I’ll  tell  you  briefly:  because  a  part  of  the
               Humanity,  that  we  integrate,  possesses  an  element  that  doesn’t  belong  to  the  material
               order and that can’t be determined by a Law of Evolution of the Demiurg. This element, which
               is called Spirit or Vril, is present in some men as eternal possibility. We know of it by the
               Remembrance of Blood, but meanwhile we are not capable to free ourselves from the chains
               that bind us to the illusory reality of the Demiurge and retake the Path of Return to the Origin,
               we won’t  exist really as Eternal Individuals. You’ll ask me how is possible, that in a Closed
               Order as the one that I have described, spiritual elements can coexist stranger to it and why,
               if they can be determined by the laws of matter and energy, remain subjected to the Universe of
               The One. This is a Great Mystery. But you can consider as hypothesis that, for a reason that
               we  ignore  but  that  we  can  suppose  to  be  an  order  of  a  Being  infinitely  superior  to  the
               Demiurge,  or  an  incomprehensible  negligence,  or  a  colossal  deceit,  once  entered  to  the
               material  Universe  a  myriad  of  beings  who  belonged  to  a  Spiritual  Race  that  we  call
               Hyperborea.  Let’s  suppose  that  such  beings  would  have  penetrated  to  the  solar  system
               through a open «door» in another planet, Venus for example, and that here, due to a ruse, a
               part  of  the  Hyperborean  Leaders  would  have  been  chained  to  the  law  of  evolution.  This
               incarceration,  we  have  said  it,  can’t  be  real,  nevertheless,  the  Traitor  Leaders  achieve  to
               confuse the Eternal Spirits anchoring them to the matter. Why they do it? Another Mystery.

                      But the truth, the effective is that, since the arrival of such Leaders to the solar system,
               a collective mutation will be effectuated in the entire Galaxy that modifies the Plan of the
               One. This modification is edified in the tradition of the Leaders and the fall of the immortal
               beings.  To  make  that  you  see  it  clear,  young  Kurt,  I’ll  tell  you  that,  in  the  Earth,  existed  a
               primitive  human  being  who  «evolved»  following  the  lwas  of  the  «planetary  chains»  and  the
               «Realms of the Nature».

                      This  evolution  was  very  slow  and  chased  the  final  adaptation  of  a  racial  Archetype
               absolutely animal, gifted with a rational mind, logically structured by the cerebral functions
               and possessor of a «Soul» conformed by the energy of the other subtler material planes.  This
               «man» is the oen that they found, still in a primitive stage of development, the Traitor Leaders

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