Page 534 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 534

term to the entity or gives its natural form. The source to achieve such illusion of existence is
               the extreme mechanicity of the material reality founded in the evolutive laws, as the ones
               reffered  to  continuous  phenomenons  as  to  discrete  ones,  which  maintain  the  progressive
               movement of the matter and the energy in the exact achievement of The One’s Plan.

                      Such evolutive laws are preserved by the «conscious entities» capable to «create» a solar
               system following the Plan of The One, but that in reality are temporal divisions of The One.

                      The same can be said about the Galactic Logos or «Planetary Souls» and even the simple
               Angels or Devas: none of them exist as such, even though they «evolve» attached to universal
               laws. The important here is to comprehend that this grandiose spectacle that we are recreating
               is pure illusion, a metapshysical conception of colossal characteristics ideated by The One for
               his intimate contemplation. Because the truth is that the existent finally disappear, when the
               Great  Pralaya,  the  night  of  Brahma,  in  which  all  gets  confused  in  Him  again,  after  the
               monstrous phagocytosis.

                      But we said that the Universe is reigned by evolutive laws. Such laws, that determine the
               Material Universe, according to a real «celestial architecture», as the satanic masons say well,
               cause  the  existence  in  the  different  levels  of  the  space  or  Heavens  in  which  the  reality  is
               constituted. Just as there are many «Heavens» (Five? Seven? Nine?) there are «Realms of the
               Nature» (Three? Five? Seven?) etc. These delusive aspects form the Plan of The One, and the
               Demons in charge to carry out such Plan conform a precise hierarchic order, based in the
               famous  «law  of  evolution»  that  reigns  the  Heavens  –All  the  Heavens,  from  the  atomic,
               chemical,  or  biological  to  the  cosmics  –In  which  «evolves»  every  molecule  following  the
               Archetypes of each Heaven. Is the famous «law of cause and effect» that teaches the Synarchy
               and that the Vedic religions of the India call Karma and Dharma,  but that is  convenient to
               synthesize as «law of evolution». This law guides the path «back and forth to the monad», which
               takes many bodies in the different Heavens on which they descend to «evolve»; such «path» is
               usually represented as the serpent that bites its own tail or «Ouroboros». Naturally, the famous
               monadic individuation, because that would be an authentic mutilation of the substance of
               The One and before such thing ensue, the whole Universe already phagocytosed in His Holy
               Maw. –Here, strangely, smiled the Führer while was looking at me intensely. I was hesitating
               internally before mixed feelings. On one hand the theory that I was hearing horrorized me,

               already known for having heard it before in the NAPOLA, but gifted now with an awe-inspiring
               sense of reality at being exposed vehemently with the irresistible eloquence of the Führer. And
               on  the  other  hand  I  felt  flattered  by  the  honor  to  receive  from  the  lips  of  the  führer  of
               Germany,  a  personal  explanation,  terribly  extense  and  curiously  out  of  place  in  a  mundane
               party of the Chancellery. Anyhow, my exterior attitude was of respectful attention to each one
               of his words, because I not wanted be distracted again.

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