Page 528 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 528
–Hi Kurt –He said– I see that you are better.
–Yes Oskar. It is over. I’m sorry for getting uncontrolled, but the insults of the Professor
left me no choice. What did you want to say me? –I asked coldly, because I ignored his
perspective about what happened.
–Listen me well Kurt, –He said–. You’re my friend, the only one in whom I can trust. I’ve
been chosen by Ernst Schaeffer probably by mistake, because nothing joins me to him or his
group. Every day that passess, I realize more and more that there’s something wrong in all
these, but I live simulating, taken by the selfish desire to share the mission of Asia and obtain
the professional benefice that it’ll report to all its members. I’d like to talk with complete trust
with you to give me your advice, but you must promise me that you’ll not tell anyone what I’ll
tell you. Will you do it Kurt? Can I trust in you?
–Of course, ou know it Oskar –I said relieved– Have the security that nodoby will know
about our conversation neither of its content.
–I accept your word, Kurt –He gave me his hand to seal the pact–. In this matter there
are many extraordinary points. The first is the place of the mission: the Tibet. Evidently we
were wrong when we supposed that it would be about spionage. In the Tibet there’s nothing to
spy; there one go for another thing. And this is not all. Neither is clear the criterion due to in
the selection of our group, because the better ones had not been chosen but the more
obsequious with the Professor Ernst Schaeffer. What do you say to all these Kurt?
–After the incident that I had today, I could not opine impartially about the Professor
Schaeffer, but I admit that there is something abnormall in all these –I said meditating about
what Oskar entrusted me.
–If I had any doubt –He continued– this was dissipated a while ago, when he discussed
with you. He didn’t reject you for a professional motive, but because something in you,
something spiritual, could make fail the mission. And such thing is extremyl odious. I don’t like
anything of this insanity. Do you believe that I should renounce to the group?
–I don’t know to distinguish the good from the bad anymore –I said with sadness– but I
see a good reason for you to stay in the mission of the Tibet: you are the only sane person of
that group and someone must tell the events as they were at the return of the journey!
Oskar smiled with my answer.
–I think that I will listen to you Kurt –He said– But you will be the one informed about
all whatever happens.