Page 520 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 520

At  the  next  morning  I  woke  up  with  the  present  remembrance  of  the  last  concepts
               exposed by Uncle Kurt the previous night, that were clarifying slow but effectively the Mystery
               in which I was immersed. For now, it was already sure that my Uncle shared the same occult
               philosophy of Belicena Villca, the «Hyperobrean Wisdom», and that the same was revealed to

               him during his carreer as officer of the Waffen   : this was more than I could dream about
               when I came to Santa María!

                      And there was also the matter of the Sign: not only Uncle Kurt knew the existence of the
               Sign but he confirmed me that he as I were carrier of the same! There were no doubts then that,
               just as the Ophites, Belicena Villca had perceived it, in my ears or wherever was located, and
               that had made her decide to write her incredible letter. And as in the case of the Ophites as in
               the one of Belicena Villca, the death had intervened relentlessly, as if she woul have been an
               unavoidable actor of in the drama of ones signalized by the Sign!

                      –Good morning Sir, I come to  clean your head. –Said the  old Juana, circumstantially
               nurse–. I’ve bourght what you asked for. Look, sir…

                      She  was  lifting  a  razor  of  refulgent  sharp  edge,  utensil  that  had  requested  with  the
               intention to shave my head, already shaved in part by Dr. Palacios around the wound.

                      Once  finished  the  cure,  which  consisted  to  clean  the  cicatrix  and  dye  it  with  a  red
               tincture of iodine, the old Juana was dedicated to the task to shave my head, concession made
               at checking the impossibility to do it by myself, with just one hand.

                      Half an hour later, exhibiting the skull perfectly shaved as a bonze of Indochina, I was
               eating the nourished breakfast that the oldwoman served me.

                      –At this rate you’ll be fine soon sir –Said the oldwoman, delighted by the way in which I
               devoured the victuals.

                      –Yes, but with many kiles more –I replied without stop eating.

                      At the nine o’clock Uncle Kurt went up to my room.

                      –How are you neffe? Are you ready to hear another part of the story?

                      –Yes Uncle Kurt –I replied– I am anxious, really anxious to hear what you’ve to tell.

                      He settled down in the hammock chair and began to talk.

                      –When the first week of August of 1933 ended, we left towards Berlin by train. Rudolph
               Hess and IIse, instead, would go to Munich by car and thenceforth would arrive to Berlin in a

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