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P. 581

–Druid:  Hist.  A lot  has  been  discussed  about  the  etymology  of  the  word  druida.  The
               etymologists  have  attended  until  to  the  Hebrew  Dictionaries  to  see  if  on  them  they  could
               something to give any idea of it. The name Druid is an apellative as the main body of the radical
               sustantives of all the languages. In Gaulish language draoi or druidas means soothsayer, augur,
               magician, and druidheatch prophecy and magic. It has been said as well that this word comes
               from  the  Greek  voice  δρυς  which  means  holm  oak,  because  they  dwelled  and  taught  their
               doctrines in the forests, and because, as Pliny the Elder says, they didn’t do sacrifices but at the
               feet of a holm oak; but this etymology, even having the reason of the antiquity on its favour,
               due to is from the time of Pliny, not for that reason it stop being purely whimsical, because is
               not  so  natural  that  the  Druids  were  going  to  take  their  name  from  a  foreign  voice.  Others
               sustain that the word druida comes from the Britanic voice dru or drew, which means holm oak
               too, and that this comes from the Greek voice δρυς. From the many oriental etymologies that
               have been presented the most acceptable seems to be the Sanskrit form druwidh, which means
               poor indigent, because the Druids, as the Priests of all the nations, had to do vows of poverty.
                      The  arguments  in  favour  of  the  oriental  origin  of  the  Druids  are  very  worthy  to  be
               attended, because it has been accepted by many writters of the antiquity, but not for other
               reasons.Diogenes Laërtius and Aristotle put the Druids and the Chadeans next to the Persian
               magicians and the Indians, opinion that they share with a great number of writers. The divinity
               of  the  Brahamins  has  a  great  similitude  with  the  Druidic  divinity.  The  importance  that  the
               Druids conceded to the oxen is another singular coincidence; the Druidic mysteries have also
               great analogy with the mysteries of the India. In the magic wand of the Druids is appreciated
               the sacred stick of the Brahamins. Both had the same consecrated objects: they used tiaras of
               colth,  and  the  symbolic  circle  of  Brahma,  as  the  half-moon,  symbol  of  Shiva,  were  Druidic
               ornaments. Great were also the analogies between the idea that the Druids had of a Supreme
               Being and which is found in the sacred works of the India; so it not seems very adventurous to
               suppose relations amongst the Druids and Indian and Persian priests.
                      According the Caesar, in his work De Bello Gallico, in whose VI book he treats about the
               uses and mores of the Gauls and Germans, the Druidic science was invented in Great Britain
               and thence to the Gaul. Althought is evident that the Gauls were dwelled before than Britain
               and Ireland, is, in rigor, possible that the hierarchic organization of the body of Druids and the
               system of its doctrine was invented in Britain. However, is it more credible that many Druidic
               schools existed in the Continent and in the isles, and that one or some of the Britain’s enjoyed
               of major celebrity for being more complete the instruction that was imparted therein. In fact,
               Caesar does not say that all those who wanted to enter in the clase of the Druids were obeyed
               to go and study in Britain, but there went those who were obeyed to receive a more complete
               education. A new proof that the Britain was not the main centre of the Druidic organization, is
               that  their  general  assemblies  were  celebrated  in  a  consecrated  forest,  in  the  country  of  the
               Carnutes, which was considered as the centre of the Gaul. It has been believed that this forest
               was in the environs of Dreux, and that this city took its name from the Druids; but his not
               passes to be a supposition, because the name of Dreux (Duro-Cath or Caz) means a fort nearby
               a river.
                      In the already quoted book De Bello Gallico, Caesar says that all their men belonged to
               the elevated classes of the Gaul, figured, already within the nobles, already whitin the Druids.
               They were in charge of the religious direction of the people, as for the main interpreters and

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