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P. 582

keepers  of the laws. The Druids also had power to impose the most severe  punishments to
               those who refused to be submitted to their decisions.
                      Amongst the penalties that they could impose the most feared was the expulsion of the
               society. The Druids didn’t form a hereditary caste, they were exempt of the service in the field
               and the payment of taxes and for these exceptions and privilegues all the young men of the
               Gaul  aspired  to  be  admitted  in  the  Order.  The  tests  to  which  a  novice  had  to  be  subjected
               sometimes lasted twenty years. All the instruction o Druidic science was communicated orally,
               but for certain propositions they had a written language, in which they used Greek character.
                      The  president  of  the  Order,  whose  charge  was  elective  and lifelong,  exerted  over  the
               individuals that formed a supreme authority. The Druids taught that soul was immortal. The
               Astrology, Geography, Theology and Physical Sciences were their favourite studies. The Gauls
               didn’t  do  human  sacrifices  but  only  very  rare  cases,  and  on  them  great  criminals  were
               sacrifriced. All what it is known in regard to the religious doctrines taught by the Druids is
               reduced  to  some  fragments  that  are  found  in  many  works  of  writters  of  the  antiquity,  and
               particullary  in  Caesar,  Diodorus  Siculus,  Valerius  Maximus,  Lucan,  Cicero,  etc.  From  these
               fargments result that they believed, as have been said, in the immortality of the soul and its
               existence in another world, not being the death more than the point or moment of separation
               between two existances. From this belief is natural that would appear the one of the reward
               and the punishment in the other life, belief that explains naturally the indomitable courage of
               the Gauls and their contempt for the death. They taught the position and the movement of the
               stars and the magnitude of Heaven and Earth, it measn that they were dedicated to the study
               of  the  Astronomy,  and  undoubtedly  to  the  study  of  the  secrets  of  the  nature  and  of  the
               Physiology.  From  this  emerged  their  pretension  to  possess  the  science  of  the  Prophecy  and
               Magic. Their most important study was the theological study, but about there’s none certain
               data, being very little known its theological system, because the Greek and Latin writers, at
               talking about name and functions and attributes of the Druidic divinities, they referred them
               to their own theogony; therefore only can be made conjetures to which the etymologic study
               can give some probabilities. Caesar says that his main divinity was Mercury, who chaired the
               Arts, the travels and the Commerce. Then were in order of importance Apollo, Mars, Jupiter
               and Minerva. Lucan and other writers put at the head of the Gods to Teutates, and after him
               Hesos, Beleno, Taranis and then Heracles Ogmios. Caesar adds that the Druids pretented to
               descend from Dis, name that translated as meaning Pluton, and for this origin was that they
               reckoned by nights and not by days. The opinion is evidently erroneous, and the error appeared
               from that Dis or Day was amongst the Gauls one of the names of the Supreme Beign, to whom
               they called also Esar or the Eternal and Abais or Aiboll, the infinite. Belenos or Beal or Beas, was
               one  of  the  names  of  the  Sun,  to  which  they  called  Ablis  or  Atheithin  the  warm  as  well,  and
               Granius  or  Grianu  the  luminous.  Teutates  or  Tuitheas  was  the  God  of  fire,  the  death  and
                      To treat about the religious beliefs of the Gaul it is required to quote the opinion of the
               distinguished writer Thirrey. According to him, the religious beliefs of Gauls were referred to
               two bodies of symbols and supersticions, two religions completely different: one very ancient,
               founded on a polytheism derived from worshipping of the natural phenomenons, and the other
               the Druidism, introduced lately by the immigrants of the Cumbric Race, founded on a material
               pantheism metaphysical and mysterious. The main divinities of the Celtic populations were the

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