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taufpate decided to realize his historical flight and hurl himself on parachutes in England, his
act can’t be qualified in another way than «madness». This from the politic perspective, and
even military. But different will be the opinion of who observes the facts with esoteric
perspective and initiatic. Because the «madness» of Rudolph is analogous to the madness of
Belicena Villca when she decided to develop a tactic of distraction to posibilitate the
movements of his son Noyo: she knew perfectly that her act was very risky, that it would
attract the persecution of the Golems and they woul end to capture and executate her: she
knew it and nevertheless not hesitated to act, to sacrifice her life, to make triumph the Strategy
of the Loyal Gods. In the same way, Rodulph gives himself to the Druidic Golems of the Golden
Dawn Order, it means, to his representative, the Golem Duke of Hamilton, because he
proposed to disctract the Enemy to favour the movement of the Führer. What would gain the
Führer after the «madness» of Rudolph Hes? Well, an objective humanly invaluable: after
the «capture» of Rudolph Hess, the Druids would be incapable then to «open» a Door
towards Shambalah in England, they would remain isolated from the Abodes of the
Traitor Gods and the White Fraternity, and only from Asia could re-establish that
–You will wonder why such effect was produced, in virtue of what Power Rudolph
obtained that miracle, and I’ll anticipate you that it happened by his mere presence, thanks
to the Sign of the Origin that he, just as you and me, were keepers without noticing it. Thus
was, neffe; and afterwards I’ll narrate you with details the real esoteric operation that meant
the travel of Rudoph Hess to England, fact that has been stupidly interpreted after the war. But
much before, tomorrow perhaps, you’ll know the Doctrine that the Black Order sustained about
the Power of the Sign of the Origin.
We went to our rooms in the highest silence, each one immersed in our own thoughts. I,
of course, didn’t leave from the amazement at checking in what perfect way fitted the stories of
Belicena Villca and Uncle Kurt. And I didn’t stop wondering how would end such adventure,
now that undoubtedly would count with the support of Uncle Kurt to search the son of
Belicena Villca.
Chapter XIX
Were the 9 o’clock in the morning and a drizzle was falling outside.
Both had sleept slept little and we knew it. But both, also, felt that our time was drawing
near, that such tranquillity that we were enjoying would not last a lot.
Uncle Kurt sipped the last drink of his coffee and continued his relation.
–In the Nordic Ordensburg of Crossinsee, as I said before, I remained three months. At
the month of being there I visited Konrad Tarstein for first time and the next two months I
went to the Gregorstrasse 239 every Saturday due to the Oberführer Papp had gestioned a
permanent commission for me in Berlin the weekends.Thus it was not difficult for me the