Page 590 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 590

so  important  piece  in  this  game  and  the  responsibility  overwhelms  me.  How  could  I  live
               knowing that the obtainment something that is beautiful for the Third Reich and the Aryan
               Race is in my hands? I, as any Comrade and more being Officer    , am disposed to die for our
               badge if it is disposed in that way but, from now on, I’d not desire to live with the anguish to
               fail before time, to not reach to comply. Do you understand Tarstein? The time that rests for
               the  denoument.  If  there  is  something  so  important  to  do  I’d  wish  to  realize  it  as  soon  as

                       –Well  you  must  have  patience!  –Tarstein  affirmed,  almost  screaming–.  Even  if  one
               minute or a century is resting you musn’t demonstrate any alteration neither any improper
               behaviour of the Kshatrya.

                      Remember it, you  are a Knight, a  Warrior  Monk, you must  behave in consequence.
               Soon you’ll be Initiated and then you will comply your Destiny.

                      I assented disturbed for the deserved reprimand that I received from Tarstein. But that
               day we didn’t speak more about the matter.

               Chapter XX

                      Well,  neffe  –said  Uncle  Kurt  after  the  dinner,  with  his  eyes  strangly  bright–  we  are
               getting near to the most important part of my life, when I received the Initiation and such
               insolit mission was entrusted to me, that operation that Tarstein valorized too much and that
               still results incomprehensible to me.

                      –In that time, with Tarstein as instructor, I learnt a lot. He seemed to know it all and I
               used to feel ashamed because, after many years in the NAPOLA, I was just capable to follow hin
               attentively in his expositions but I felt incompetent to complete anything he said by my own.
               Nevertheless Tarstein consoled me at his paradoxical way:

                      –Don’t  worry  Kurt,  it  is  just  confusion,  blood  impurity.  But  you  go  faster  than  you
               think. You’ll know it all soon, you will wake up and, then, if you want, you could dominate so
               much Science as the greatest Wise man. Of course that our Hyperborean Science is a damn

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