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P. 592
knew as him about Occultism, Hermetic Philosophy or Religions, this was just a part of his
immense wisdom. In those years 30’ Germany, in full industrial deployment, was a giant in
Science. And Konrad Tarstein knew everything. He was an erudite of the German wisdom in all
its details: he dominated the superior mathematics on its highest level, the chemistry, physics,
the biology, the multiple industrial technologies, etc. Without talking about the humanistic
field where his dominion of the ancient and modern Philosophies, the Logic, the Philolgy, the
Psychology, etc., was fearsome. How could be defined such man? And the most difficult: How
transmit his thought without deforming it? Effectively, neffe, I would have not been capable to
exposse, neither to you the Hyperborean Wisdom; and if I can talk with you about it now if
thanks to those extraordinary Initiates, Belicena Villca and Nimrod de Rosario. Remember that
Oskar Feil affirmed that the Hyperborean Wisdom of Nimrod de Rosario could be only
compared to the one of Tarstein. Thanks to them, neffe, I will be able to entrust you a part of
my life, which would be incomprehensible for any interlocutor who ignorant about the
Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom.
Then I will be brief, because you understand perfectly what I saying. Konrad Tarstein
instructed me profoundly in the Hyperborean Wisdom and one day, in an underground hall of
the Castle of Werwelsburg, I received the Hyperborean Initiation. In the Hyperborean Chamber
specially constructed for those ceremonies, a High Initiate of the Black Order, I guess that a
Pontiff, effectuated the ritual before a public of just eight Initiates. There I faced the Death,
with the Kâlibur death of Pyrene, as Belicena Villca would say. It means, with the Archetype of
the Death, the Death that kills the Warm Life; and then with the Cold Death Kâlibur, the Naked
Truth of One Self which is found after the End of the Warm Life. And at returning to the Warm
Life, after my immersion in the Infinite Blackness of One Self, I realized that the anguish of the
Death had fleed from me forever. The animal fear of dying, the instinct of conservation was
definitely overcome by the Wisdom of the Eternal Life. A will of steel took definitive possession
of my spiritual nature and I knew that nothing could stop me, it means, nothing that related
with the Death, the threat of the Death. It was Pure Resolute Will: I’d advance wherever could
be ordered and I repeat, nothing could stop me.
Wasn then when the objective of the mysterious mission was revealed to me for which I
had been prepared for many years. And once again, the one in charge of the revelation was
Konrad Tarstein.
–It won’t be difficult for you to understand in what consists the mission –Tarstein said
me– when I will put you up with some facts that are happening. Tell me Kurt, Do you know
from where come the forces that sustain the Synarchy, to the Jewish World Conspiracy? I am
referring to the psychic forces, naturally, due to the economic or politic forces are just external
expressions of them.