Page 713 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 713

why Bera adopted that form to mafiest himself unto you and employ the Power of the Dordje?
               Because the only mode that rests to a Demon as He, traitor to the Spirit of Man, to
               resist the Sign of the Origin that you exhibit, is to lock himself in the absolute unity
               of the Created Monad. But you have already seen the result of that tactic, Comrade Lupus: he
               cannot  defeat  you,  with  the  Sign  of  the  Origin  that  you  possess,  and  the  Doors  of
               Shambalah have been closed to our foes.

                      –Oh, I’d not be so optimist, Comrade Phoenix –I suggested him, while I was shuddered
               for old and new fears–. I make you present that if I conserve my life is not prescisely for the
               effect of the Sing but thanks to the intervention of those incredible warriors that are kâlika
               monks, and the inestimable collaboration of the dogs daivas that took us out from the glen of
               Altyn Tagh.

                      –Oh, Comrade Lupus, I fear that you don’t understand the situation.

                      Phoenix  made  me  the  same  reproach  that  he  did  to  von  Grossen.  Evidently  I  didn’t
               comprehend  anything,  or  very  little,  of  what  was  happening  around  me.  All  pretended  to
               comprehend better than me what was happening. Or I was becoming extremely obstinate or
               stupid. But, whatever it could be, there was something that I comprehended, and in what I
               wasn’t wrong: the cause of all my ills, that until yesterday I considered a wonderful privilege,
               was the inapprehensible Sign of the Origin. Distinction of the Gods or Stigma? In front of me,
               the most important men of the Third Reich said to count with me, and with my Sign, to carry
               out the plans of the Führer. But, and was comprehending that now, the most terrible Forces of
               Hell, Forces that I have seen up close in the Tibet, they considered me a priori their mortal

               enemy and they would develop against me an unimaginable attack.

                      Allegorically speaking, such situation, the only situation that perhaps I understood, was
               that the Third Reich was preparing to march over the World, as a cyclopean phalanx, and that
               I’d perform then the function of standard-bearer. Yes, I’d be the standard-bearer of the
               Third Reich, and the flag that I’d lift would be the Sign of the Origin, the Sign of Lucifer, the
               Sign of Wothan, the Sign of Shiva, my Sign. And, as in every army in operations, the Enemy
               would  try  to  conquer  the  flags,  our  flags,  procuring  to  cast  down  without  warning  the
               standard-bearer, trying to remove the Sacred Ensign of the Spirit, trying to take my life, trying
               to take the standard, trying to take my life, trying to take my Sign.

                      I didn’t protest for the commentary of Phoenix, and he continued:

                      –Estimated Lupus: you don’t owe to anyone your «salvation» but yourself. Do you forget
               that  existed  an  Operation  First  Key,  and  dogs  daivas,  that  happened  because  previously
               existed a Initiate Kurt von Sübermann, who carried the Sign of the Origin? The dogs

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