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P. 717

one in contact with the Vrunes of Navutan but, as such Signs were already in us, we have been
               able to realize the miracle of the auto-revelation of the Naked Truth of Oneself.

                      Then, the parallelism of the events lived by both of them, culminates in the correlativity
               of  the  initiatic  experience:  we  are,  from  now  and  forever,  indissolubly  linked  to  a  Spiritual
               Fount, Eternal and Infinite, to the grace of the Virgin of Agartha, to the Hyperborean Wisdom
               of the Gods. For this reason, as I lifted in one moment, you must lift from now on «our
               Flags», that are the flags of the Spirit. You wondered in your department of Salta, to whom
               could I resort to for spiritual help? Well now you dispose of the clearest answer. The Führer

               has given the answer: the answer is the        , the Black Order     , Remember that the
               Führer will return, neffe, even Belicena Villca announced it in her letter:

                      «The Great White Chief, the Lord of the absolute Will and Courage, will come
               once, twice, thrice, to Your World. The first one, he will break  History, but he will
               leave, and will cause the senseless laugh of the Demons (according to what I think neffe,
               this part of the prophecy has been already fulfilled); the second he will propose the Final
               Battle, but he will leave, in the midst of the Terror Roar of the Demons (and I guess,
               Arturo, that this is what will happen very soon); and the third he will guide the Race of the
               Spirit towards the Origin, but he will leave forever, leaving behind him the Holocaust
               of  Fire  in  which  the  followers  of  God  the  One  will  be  consumed,  Men,  Souls  and
               Demons. But who follows the Envoy of the Lord of War will be Eternal!» (And here I just
               can ask «fiat,fiat», neffe Arturo).
                      These are the words of the Captain Kiev, that will occur relentlessly. You will search the
               Tyrodal  Order  and  will  give  to  their  Initaites  the  Letter  of  Belicena  Villca.  It  will  be  very
               opportune because they also seach to, the Noyo and the Wise Sword to initiate the Final Battle.
                      But you’ll give them something more important than the letter of Belicena Villca: the
               Sign of the Origin, that closes the Doors of Shambalah and opens the Doors of Agarth, whereby
               the Führer and the Eternal    will return to outbreak the Final Battle!

                      That is the real motive of the great maneuver, neffe! That you give to whom awaits, in
               the right moment, in the Kairos of the Final Battle! That is the spiritual meaning of all this
               series  of  coincidences:  to  approach  the  Sign  of  the  Origin  to  the  Kairos  of  the  Final
                      And as to the House of Tharsis, and as me, neffe, you must comprehend that a
               fortiori they will try to get you out of the way. The Druids will chase you! Perhaps
               Bera and Birsha in person!
                      For this reason I want to propose you to leave as soon as possible. From my narrations,
               although  incomplete,  you  should  have  made  quite  conclusions.  Later,  if  the  circumstances
               permit  it,  I’ll  give  you  details  of  the  next  facts  till  the  year  1947,  year  in  which  I  came  to
               Argentina and since when I stay hidden.
                      In  sum,  and  in  broad  measure,  this  was  what  happened  since  1939.  To  Bangi  and
               Srivirya was conceded the German citizenship and they were awarded with the Iron Cross of
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