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P. 721

that  didn’t  help  me  too  much  to  understand  the  occult  meaning  of  his  mission,  even  if  I
               intuited a lot. But I didn’t see my taufpate again until 1940. Naturally, during the Judgement of
               Nuremberg in 1945/46, Rudolph was interrogated by the hypocrite allies’ judges and, of course,
               he  didn’t  say  a  word  about  the  Grail  or  King  Arthur.  Whereas  he  spoke  a  lot  about  the
               brainwashing and the treatments with drugs to which they were submitted by the English:

                      «…As is logic, I thought continuously in what explanation could have the monstruous
               behavior of the people around me. I excluded the possibility that they were criminals, due to,
               socially, they caused very good impression. And, on the other hand, their past also contradicted
               that imposition».

                      «Then I thought in the idea that those persons had been hipnotized, although I ignored
               then  that  the  possibility  to  produce  a  state  of  hypnotism  so  intense  and  durable  existed.  I
               manifested  with  honesty  this  suspicion  to  the  commandant  F.,  who,  evidently  took  it  as  a
               funny joke. He said that he and all the rest who were around me were absolutely normal and
               that, for disgrace, I was victim of autosuggestion».

                      «My  headache  continued  endlessly.  I  insisted  to  feign  that  I  had  lost  the  memory.  I
               learnt from my mistakes. I supposed that I shouldn’t recognize the persons that I had seen
               more than fourteen days before, even being medics who had been many years with me. It can
               be  deducted  from that  what terrible poison they  gave me, a poison  for which there was  no

                      «Soon I didn’t commit more mistakes. I passed through the tests such as the sudden
               apparition of people that I met before, and I feigned to not recognize them, although I was in a
               state of hypnotical dream. I had to be alert day and night. Finally I had to be imprisoned to
               respond falsely to the questions, even in dreams, persisting to feign the loss of memory».

                      «In April 19 of 1945 the Brigadier General Dr. Rees came to see me again. He tried to
               convince  me  again  that  as  my  conclusions  as  my  sufferings  were  mere  consequence  of  my
               obsessive manias. I interrupted him - affirming that his words were worthless because I knew
               what was happening. Meanwhile I had acquired new convictions that justified my suspicions.
               The abominable atrocities that, during the Boer Wars, the English perpetrated in women and
               children  in  the  concentration  camps  could  be  also  attributed  to  the  chemical  secret
                      «The Brigadier General Rees reflected some instants with sinister expression. Then, he
               stood up with a jump and left hurriedly, murmuring: ‘You’re very perspicacious; I wish you good
                      «I had been four years in prison now in company of lunatics and at the mercy of their

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