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P. 720

Golems didn’t achieve their purpose.
                      Yes,  neffe,  in  August  of  1941  had  reached  the  moment  to  remember  the  words  that
               Tarstein told me four years before: «we all must wish that his opportunity never come,
               because  when  Parsifal  begins  his  mission  that  will  mean  that  King  Arthur  is
               wounded…  and  that  the  Kingdom  is  terra  gasta».  Yes,  Rudolph,  the  pure  madman,  as
               Parsifal, had left to Albion, England, the White Island that represents in some way to Chang
               Shambalah, the Abode of the Demons: Tarstein predicted me that because he knew that it was
               possible, because he knew an esoteric meaning that explained the profound symbolism of the
               journey.  That  the  diplomatic  Abrecht  Haushofer  was  a  traitor,  member  of  the  group  of  the
               «Healthy forces of Germany», we already knew him since years ago by the reports that Heydrich
               had elaborated in the S.D.: Abrecht was son of the Professor Karl Haushofer and a Jew named
               Martha Mayer-Doss. And that the Secret Society Golden Dawn, which in some moments at the
               beginnings of century was related with the Einherjar and the Thulegesellschaft, fell in power of
               the  Druids  after  the  plagiarism  effectuated  by  the  Priest  Aleister  Crowley,  we  also  knew  it.
               Thereby bad could take it unaware to Rudolph the result of his mission but it had to exist a
               more secret and profound reason to justify his sacrifice.
                      I asked it directly to Tarstein, but that time he avoided the direct clarification and he
               returned to speak me in symbolic language, undoubtedly to not affect the Myth, to keep the
               Myth acting.
                      –See  Kurt:  –he  signalized–  the  King  Arthur,  the  Führer,  can  be  betrayed  by  Ginebra-
               Germany  and  such  dishonour  leave  the  Kingdom  debilitated  in  front  of  the  attack  of  the
               elemental beings, the hordes of Elementalwessen coming from the East. To prevent that the
               Kingdom be destroyed, the King Arthur needs to count with the force of Grail. But the Grail is
               not present in the World of the asleep men since 700 years ago. What to do? As in Wolfram von
               Eschenbach, the Führer says:

                                            «Man mac mich dâ in strîte sehen:
                                          der muoz mînhalp von iu geschehen»

                      And Parsifal goes to the Castle of Sigune, from where emerge the forces that animate the
               subhuman beings that threat the Kingdom. And there, as Joseph of Arimathea, the King Crudel
               captures  and  condemns  him  to  48  years  of  prison,  as  him  as  his  Knights.  But  then,  in  the
               prison, Joseph of Arimathea makes contact with the Grail and this nourishes him spiritually
               the time that endures his confinement: and the elemental forces are then, until creatin point
               stopped, because the Knight of the Grail, even imprisoned, posseses enough spiritual forces to
               transmit them to King Arthur and sustain him in his Regal Function. Some day the Knight
               Joseph Arimathea will achieve to escape from his unfair imprisonment and will be free with the
               Stone of the Grail, reading on it the Name of the Führer and restoring his sovereignity in the
               Kingdom. It will be in that moment when Frederick II, carrier of the Stone of Genghis Khan,
               meets with Lord of the Dog, the Prester John, the Lord of Catay or K’Taagar, i.e., the Lord of
               Agartha. Then the elemental forces will be definitively defeated on the Earth.

                      Nothing else than symbolic affirmations of this kind I achieved to obtain from Tarstein,

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