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P. 723
been silenced or was on Hebrew hands. Nevertheless, when after the collapse of the Bolshevik
government, some of the guilty were judged, the same world press put the scream on heaven
for the white terror in Hungary. It has been always the same, concluded Prohaska, when a
population has had to fight agains the Jews».
«I couldn’t foresee then that the Jews, to achieve propaganda material against Germany,
would arrive through the use of a secret chemical substance, to induce the guards of the
German concentration camps to treat the inmates as the OGPU: every criminal act of
that nature must be attributed to the use of the secret drugs that the Jews employed inside of
the own Germany. At asking me for the reasons of the crimes perpretated against me, I suspect
this: First, the British Government had been hipnotized to try to convert me in a lunatic, in
order to present me as such if that was necessary, if was reached to reproach them to have not
accepted my attempt of an agreement with which England could have saved many sacrifices.
Second, the general inclination of the Jews or the non-Jews to whom they had induced
to maltreat me and revenge on me for the fact that the National Socialist Germany would have
defended from the Jews. Third, vengeance against me because I had tried it – to put to the War
very soon that with so many works the Jews had initiated, with which they saw themselves
unable to reach their bellicose objectives. Fourth, they had to prevent me the publication of the
revelations contained in this report».
On these declarations of Rudolph Hess can be the secret truth about the famous
«Holocaust of 6.000.000 Jews». It results remarkable, indeed, that the members of the Chosen
People had been victims of a genocide typically Jewish, a extermination manner that, just as
Belicena Villa demonstrates on her Letter, is the one that the Rabbis have been claiming since
millenniums to be applied on the «Gentiles» or «Goyms». But Rudolph Hess exposed aright
«that it was typical of the Jews to affirm that their enemies did what they did by themselves,
without any motive given by the Jews, and charge to their enemies the crimes that in reality
they accustomed to commit». This attitude of the Jews is frequent, it is confirmed with
hundreds of historical proofs, and explains the incredible accusation that the would have
practiced on them a mini Fire Holocaust, projecting over the concentration camps the image of
the Final Death with which they dream to destroy the spiritual Humanity, i.e., the non-Jewish.
In sum, neffe Arturo, only a mentality typically Jewish could have conceived such
extermination mode, that never passed trough the imagination of Heinrich Himmler neither,
of course, of the Führer. And about the Germans who supposedly «confesed» to have
perpretated those crimes, apart that exist many obvious explanations about why someone
would declare against himself or against his homeland, it is clear that the real cause must be
searched in the secret drugs that the Druids know, whose main lair is constituted since
millenniums precisely England. The own Rudolph Hess exposed it in 1945, as you have seen, at
affirming that not only the witnesses had been drugged and hipnotized to declare against
themselves but, in the case that some crime could have been truly committed in the German
K.Z., that should be attributed to the drug’s introduction before the fall of the Third Reich,
with the objective to perturb the guards to obtain propagandistic ulterior incomes.
Finally, if I didn’t see Rudolph Hess again after my return to Elbruz-Rastenburg instead,
I received news of the damn Ernst Schaeffer: he had returned quietly, just as Tarstein