Page 724 - Microsoft Word - Belicena respaldo
P. 724

predicted, and he was in the occupied France. He was protected by the Secret Service of the
               Admiral Canaris, the Abwehr, which was out from the jurisdiction of the exterior S.D.
                      According  to  the  reports  that  Walter  Schellenberg  disposed,  it  seemed  very  probable
               that his four followers accompanied him, although one of them «had lost the sight in the
               Tibet», due to his eyes were exposed to «an intense and unbeknownst source of Light».

                      As is natural, I proposed immediately a covert a operation to execute him, as he as his
               accomplices,  but  I  was  discouraged  by  Tarstein,  who  sustained  that  the  traitor  was  more
               valuable alive than dead: «being alive he will be able to communicate to the synarchic forces
               that with the Third Reich they have just one path: the war», explained us Tarstein. The White
               Fraternity will support an alliance against Germany but only if after its total destruction the
               Universal Synarchy of the Chosen People is constituted. Is this objective is fulfilled, Germany
               will be undoubtedly sacrificed, but that World Government will mean the end of the History:
                      Germany  will reborn  again,  perhaps  not  as  Nation,  but  its  Spirit,  its  Führer,  its  God
               Wothan, will be supported by the Loyal Gods to the Spirit of Man, and the Final Battle will
               have begun on the Earth.
                      Ernst  Schaeffer  returned  converted  in  a  Master  of  the  White  Hierarchy,  it  means,
               spiritually  dead.  His  Initiation  in  the  Tibet  conferred  him  the  recognition  of  numerous
               synarchic Secret Societies, as for example the English Masonry, that bestowed him the grade 33
               and the charge of President of the Great Eastern of the Accepted and Ancient Scottish Rite. The
               destruction of the Operation Altwesten was attributed in the documents to common accidents
               of this type of exploration and Schaeffer lived calm until after the war: his relatives still live in
                      That freedom that he enjoyed under the shelter of the resistence groups to the Führer,
               permited him, just as we had calculated it in the Black Order, the planning and realization of
               multiple attacks agains me. No one knows for sure how many attacks were perpetrated against
               the Führer, but the ones that I suffered on those years don’t were behind: poisonings, bombs,
               snipers,  ambushes,  sabotages  in  my  team  and  permanent  threats:  or  I  abandoned  the   ,
               deserted, returned to Germany forever, moved away definitely from the sacred places for the
               Priests, or there would be no place on the Earth where I could hide from the inevitable
               Rabbinic vengeance.
                      Of course, I didn’t yield before the threats and I fulfilled my orders until the end, neffe,
               even if those orders were not pleasant for me, as the last, what obeyed me to remain 35 years in
               Santa María de Catamarca.

               Chapter XLI

                      I will not speak about the intermediary operations, because this will be my last reference
               to  the  intense  esoteric  enterprises  of  those  years.  I  will  just  remind  that  in  1945  we  were
               working in the South of Italy, in the region of Apulia, where is located the Octogonal Castle of

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