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P. 729

In fact, through the transversal street that we took, a column of tanks started to move
               towards us. A     Oberführer was in command named Otto Meyer, to whom we knew because
               von Grossen achieved three years ago, that he dictates us a conference of armored cavalry: he
               was  a  young  officer  of  legendary  courage  and  great  professionalism  for  the  conduction  of
               motorized troops. He had fought in France and Russia, and surviving, apart from causing great
               casualties to the enemy. When Rudolph, after my first mission, made allusion to that I would
               be  one  of  the  youngest  Oberführer  of  the  German  Army,  included  without  doubts  to  Otto
               Meyer in his plural concept. Now he had been convoked for the Battle of Berlin, the last one,
               and he would die surely.
                      He stopped his panzer and went out through the tower: –Kurt von Sübermann and the
               Tibetan Legion! Hahaha. I’d have never expected to find you here, secret agent! Where a hell
               you think you’re going?
                      –Otto Meyer! –I screamed moved–. I never imagined to see you again neither. Oh, Otto:
               this is the den of the Führer. They must go to the Chancellery!
                      –But if they are few blocks! Don’t worry they will. Tell them to march protected by the
               panzers and I will leave them in the own door. And you come to the cabin, I want to speak with
               someone who is not mad yet, as everyone in this city.
                      Fifteen minutes later the five panzers stopped in front of the Chancellery, which almost
               not existed, except for the underground bunkers; and the Tibetan Legion was formed in the

               garden. The astonishment of the Brigadienführer Mohke,       commandat of the Chancellory,
               had no limits, at contemplating that troop of Asian faces.
                      –The Tibetan Legion, special formation of the 1     Panzerdivision Leibstandarte Adolf
               Hitler, is present to take the guard of in the bunkerführer!
                      –Heil Hitler, my Brigaidenführer! –I presented and saluted screaming.
                      That reinforcement resulted suspicious to Monhke, from which he had none new, and
               he thought in a possible desertion of the front, but he got calm when I proved him that our
               destiny was Italy, from where we logically had to retire, and I communicated him that Himmler
               was informed about our march to Berlin.
                      –Now,  if  I  can,  I  must  complete  the  mission  that  the  Secret  Service  entrusted  us,  –I
                      –For me, you comply with your duty, Brigadienführer. Here there is nothing else to do
               –affirmed with lugubrious tone.
                      Were the 10 in the morning. I heard when they said to Otto Meyer that the Führer was
               resting,  that  he  could  receive  him.  The  heroic  Meyer  had  tried  to  see  the  Führer  before
               undertaking a trail from which he perhaps would never return. I made him signals to wait for
               me and I said goodbye  forever  to Bangi, Srivirya, and the fifty warrior  lopas of the Tibetan
               Legion. Why describe what was that farewell? It is enough to add that even 35 years later, I see
               them clearly in the garden of the Chancellery in ruins, lifting the arm to salute me militarily,
               and I hear the voice of the Gurkha saying «Goodbye Shivatulku! Don’t suffer for us, that soon
               we will meet in another war, fighting beside the Gods!».
                      –The  Gregorstrasse?  –Repeated  Meyer,  in  interrogatory  tone–.  But  that  is  in  the
               Gipfelstadt:  tiy  must  cross  the  Door  of  Brandenburgo  and  cross  the  Thirgarten.  Look  Kurt,
               since  some  days  ago  the  Russians  are  trying  to  occupy  the  Thriergarten  but  they  have  not

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