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achieved to break our anti-tank batteries. Therefore, they have mounted their own batteries
               too. Conclusion: no one can pass because a hell of crossed fire has been formed. But don’t be
               hopeful: you could not arrive walking neither because we have mined all the fields and paths of
               the Zoological.
                      I  looked  at  him  desolated  and  this  took  him  out  another  of  his  habitual  bursts  of
                      –Calm Kurt, calm, that it is not all lost. Even if the panzers cannot pass, that doesn’t
               mean that nothing can pass. Have you heard about the Kamikaze? –he asked, always joking.
                      –Yes: they are the Japanese suicidals.
                      –Well, my dear Comrade! If you dare to be a kamikaze motorcyclist¸it is possible that
               we make you cross the Gipfelstadt!
                      I began to understand.
                      –The plans is elemental; it just need a kamikaze to carry it out –he said smiling.
                      I assented, making him understand that I would perform the role of suicidal pilot.
                      –Well then there is nothing more to talk about. You take a convoy motorcycle, that now
               are completely useless, and you trown down the avenue, cross the Door of Brandenburgo, and
               intern in the Thiergarted; with luck, you will be in the Gregorstrasse in ten minutes. But, you
               must take the Thiergarten at full pelt, more than a hundred km. per hour, to not allow that the
               Russian can try aiming. Meanwhile, we will entertain them with fire at will. Are you agree?
                      –Absolutely agree. The plan is suicidal in reality, but the only that give me a chance, –I
                      –You have done well conserving that Russian suit: It can be useful later, because where
               you  are  going  there  are  no  Germans  but  Russians.  And  you  speak  the  language  of  the
               subhumans. Don’t you?
                      I assented with a gesture. I didn’t want to talk anymore, neither of jokes; I just wanted
               to  start  the  suicidal  adventure.  I  comprehended  that  I  was  risking  all  or  nothing  and  I  just
               wanted to begin.
                      Otto Meyer understood it thus but he didn’t stop making jokes.
                      –Goodbye Comrade –He said smiling–, the next time we see each other you will take me
               to make a ride in sidecar.  Hahaha.
                      –And you in your corousel panzer. Hahaha.
                             Finally we both laughed, and bade farewell forever too.

               Chapter XLII

                      I crossed the main avenue of the Thiergarten lying on a meteorite that ran at more than
               a hundred kilometres per hour, eluding with instantaneous reflects thousands of potholes of
               what  seemed  a  moonscape.  The  German  batteries,  alerted  by  Otto  Meyer,  opened  the  fire
               simulating to hit me, something that disconcerted the Russians and took them to concentrate
               the fire against them, permitting me to move away.
                      Ten  minutes  later  I  was  entering  to  the  Gilpfestadt  and  I  circulated  at  regular  speed

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