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P. 735

unleashed in Occident by the enemy forces, which operated infiltred in the Catholic Church.
                      That historical mission consisted in to found a Great Mongol Kingdom in the East, that
               included the North and Center of Asia completely, simultaneously with the rise of a Great
               White Kingdom in the West.
                      When  the  foundation  of  these  Kingdoms  be  consummated,  then  would  reach  the
               moment to seal with a pact the creation of the Universal Empire in which the Mongols would
               be subordinated to an authentic King of the White World and where the yellow masses would
               reserve the right to advance towards the West and the white Elites, less numerous but more
               culturally capacitated, would march towards the East. There, in Mongolia, the Crown of the
               Earth,  would  flourish  a  Hyperborean  civilization  never  seen  before  since  the  days  of  the
               Atlantis.  These were, in few words, the proposed objectives of the Strategy Tyr.
                      I’ll show you now, Lupus, how Genghis Khan complies with his part in the Strategy Tyr.
                      In 1206 gathers all the mongol tribes and initiates the conquest of China and, in 1215,
               with the take of Pekin, reaches the oriental limit of Asia. Thenceforth, it only misses to make
               contact with the «King of the West». But who is this King? How recognize him if, towards the
               West,  far  of  the  unity  is  warned  a  confused  feudal  organization?  I  remember,  Lupus,  that
               according to the Hyperborean Wisdom the effects of the Kaly Yuga are not of the same
               intensity in all the geographic points; on the contrary, there is a Route of the Kâly Yuga
               that runs in espiral the spherical surface of the Earth and over which the Kâly Yuga is «more
               intense» or more actual. Such  zone is swivelling and, in the region that we are considering,
               swivelling «from East to West», it means, that the effects of the Kaly Yuga are more intense
               towards the West than to the East: to the East increases the «spirituality» and to West
               increases the «materialism» own of the Kâly Yuga. Attending to these principles is that
               the Door of Tar, in the Gobi desert, is also denominated «Center of minor intensity of the Kaly
                      To be situated in the dilemma of Genghis Khan it must be considered that the «King of
               the West» should be «Great» for the power of the Spirit, as was also Temujin, and reflect about
               the difficulties that imply to look from the East of Asia to the West of Occident. Genghis Khan,
               «towards  the  West»,  only  «saw»  spiritual darkness…  and  Kingdoms.  Many  Kingdoms,  but
               none «Great Kingdom». The – Kingdom of the Persians, which would fall soon, the Kingdom of
               the Byzantines Greeks, which barely resisted the Arab and Turk siege: a very little and weak
               Kingdom, with Kings without Initiative who were pleased to call themselves «Emperors». The
               Slavic  Kingdoms  of  Russians  and  Polish,  could  not  even  dream  to  put  at  the  head  of  the
               populations of the West and, on the contrary, they would be easy prey of the Golden Horde. By
               identical motive it must be noted Armenia, Georgia, Bulgaria, Hungary, etc.
                      The Germanic Kingdoms of Europe remained, undoubtedly the strongest, but in them,
               according to the vision of Genghis Khan, the shadows were absolute. If there was the Great
               King it would be precise to distinguish him for his external qualities and for it he should count
               with  the  adequated  information.  With  this  purpose  he  guided  to  his  presence  to  many
               travellers, merchants or religious, who were harshly interrogated, with few results. But from
               their narrations he could know that really existed two great Christian Kingdoms, one Frank
               and another Roman-German. The Frank Kingdom was precisely the one that, since a century
               ago, carried out that absurd war against the Arabs, during which they had occupied Syria and

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