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P. 736

Genghis Khan then thought that he should talk with the Frank King and the German
               King but just one more doubt remained to clarify: both Kings called themselves «Christians»
               and servants of a Great Priest called «Pope». Could this Popebe the real King of the World? To
               make  an opinion  about the Christianity  and the sent to search for the Nestorian Priests  of
               Armenia and some orthodox Greeks which were as slaves in Pekin: by them he knew the history
               of Jesus Christ and knew that the Pope was not a warrior but a sheepherder, that not killed but
               send to kill, and that he not ride with his people during the wars but he remained all his life in
               secure and far convents. And as a grin of displeasure Genghis Khan dismissed the Pope as a
               worthy spiritual authority to treat with.
                      Before 1220 Genghis Khan already knew that from the two Kings, the Frank and the
               German, was convenient for his plans to talk with some of them. He obtained such conviction
               at evaluating the religious information that one of his multiple esoteric confidents gave him.
                      But it is worthy to make an aclaration here: while Genghis Khan was alive three were the
               religions  that  surrounded  him  and  to  which  he  gave  special  attention:  the  Nestorian
               Christianism,  the  Persian  Manichaeism,  and  fundamentally,  the  Taoism.  He  rejected  the
               religion  of  Confucious  for  reactionary  and  in  the  Buddhism  he  recognized  immediately  a
               system  based  in  the  Kâlachakra  of  Chang  Shambalah,  against  which  his  Hyperborean
               instructors warned him early.
                      Was a Manichean Priest who informed him one Day that «beyond the Kingdom of the
               Franks, in feuds of the King Aragon, who is vassal of the German King, there is a powerful
               Manichean community to whom the Angels have given in custudy a Glass of Stone which is not
               from this World». This new impressed Genghis Khan, as the knowledge that the troops of the
               King  of  the  Franks,  with  the  blessing  of  the  Pope,  were  dedicated  to  exterminate  those
               Manicheans of the West called «Cathars», that’s to say, «Pure». An entire «Manichean route»
               permitted  that  such  novelties  arrive  to  Asia:  from  Languedoc  to  Italy,  to  the  Cathar  and
               Bogomils  communities  of  Milan;  from  there  to  Bulgary,  center  of  the  Bogomil  Manicheism;
               and, of the Balkans, Bogomil and Paulician missionaries carried the news to Armenia and Iran.
                      The Cathars sustained that the material world had been created by Jehovah Satan with
               the help of a court of Demons; they believed in a real God who was unknowable from the state
               of  spiritual  impurity  that  the  incarnation  meant;  they  also  believed  in  a  Christ  of  Light,  to
               whom they called Lucibel, and in the Paraklito or Holy Spirit, an agent completely transcendent
               to the material sphere. Consequently with these beliefs they refused the Old Testament of the
               Bible for considering that there was narrated the story of the creation of the world by Jehovah-
               Satan, a malignant Creator, and in which the Real God was not mentioned; the New Testament
               only accepted the Gospel of Juan and the Apocalipsis. They opined that the Roman Church was
               the «Synagogue of Satan», a refugee for the Demons and his servants in which not a single ray
               of spiritual light shone.
                      Naturally, if the believers in a so clear doctrine were condemned to death by the Pope,
               and repressed until the annihilation by the troops of the Frank King, there were no doubts that
               these last were, at the same time, followers of the Demiurge Jehovah Satan. But things were
               not «so clear» from Mongolia; indeed: it resulted suspicious that the Frank King Philip August
               not participated from the Cathar slaughter and, what was more striking, that the entire France
               would have been questioned between 1200 and 1213, by Innocent III due to the concubinage
               that the King maintained with a mistress. Which of the Kings, the German or the Frank, was, at

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