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P. 741
The Pope Nicholas IV, pressed by the Order of Preachers, sends the Dominican Ricold de
Monte-Croix to Bagdad, who establishes a fructiferous treaty with the Mongols and achieved to
found a Monastery in Marghah. As a result of this embassy emerges the journey of the Turkish
Bishop Raban Coma to Paris in representation of the Mongol King of Persia, Argun. The
grandson of St. Louis was reigning then in France, Philip the Fair, strong Ghibelline and
supporter of the Universal Empire, and for this reason the alliance has possibilities to flourish
this time. Nevertheless, even though he maintained a permanent diplomatic connection with
Mongolia, Philip the Fair didn’t obtain to fulfil the project due to the fall of Acre in 1291, in
hands of the Mamluks of the Sultan Al-achraf, who would bring the Templars to Europe. Philip
the Fair wanted to be Universal Emperor as Frederick II of Swabia, but this would possible only
if he ended before with the power of the Templars and the Popes; the terrible clashes that he
sustained with Boniface VIII and the extremely complex task to dismantle the infrastructure of
the Order of the Temple would maintain him occupy until his death. Perhaps the historical
opportunity of Frederick II was still present in the times of Philip the Fair, but this lacked of
material time to be consolidated in Europe and join the spiritual forces of Asia.
In sum, Lupus, all these prove that a great esoteric movement existed between Europe
and Mongolia-China long before the publicized and feuilleton peripetia of the Venetian
merchants Polo in the XIV century: which was just a lucrative materialistic adventure, lacking
of any transcendental content, and undoubtedly for this reason it islocated in first place. It has
been attempted by the habitual obscurantist methods to ignore what is not desired to accept as
real, to deny or not respond to the disquieting matter of the military might of the Mongols: his
superior tactic, at annihilating invariably the medieval formations, it is undeniable but it has
caused a collective trauma in the Europeans: Whence can the superiority of a Strategy proceed
but from the Spirit, from a lucid Intelligence and an unlimited Courage? If the Mongols were
the Barbarians which it is pretended, they would have nerver crossed from the Urals. But they
will also say that we were Barbarians and that we ate human flesh; or who knows what other
barbarities. Don’t forget that we have acted in similar way of the Mongols of Genghis Khan,
and against the same Enemy, and wearing the same flag: even our best tactic, the Blitzkrieg, is
inspired in the fast and unerring movement of the Mongol horde.
Wait a moment, Lupus, I’ll bring something that I had preprared for you.
The magistral class that Tarstein has just dictated made me forget the war, the
imminent military defeat of the Third Reich, and even the black reality that I did not know
what I’d do onwards, if I had to die in the bunker, as the Tibetan Legion decided heroically, or if
I would have to flee towards an uncertain destiny in a World without the Third Reich, i.e., in a
synarchic World. I did not even want to consider this last possibility. I sheltered instead the
secret hope that the Initiates of the Black Order would have decided to take me with them to
the Antartic Refugee of the Führer: Didn’t I do enough merits to deserve such distinction?
Furthermore there was Rudolph Hess too, my protector. Would he disapprove my presence? I
did not comprehend completely the mysterious matter of the Tulkus and their faculty to
possess many bodies. I already told you, neffe, that I felt a unique individual, perception that
didn’t change till today, and then I did not see what problem could be if another Tulku joined to
the Tulkus that were preparing themselves to the Final Battle.
Before continuing with the narration of what happened such day, the last one that I
stayed there, in the Gregorstrasse 239, I want you to reflect in that the information given by