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P. 742
Tarstein about Frederick II clarifies a lot the words of Belicena Villca written in the Nineteenth
Day of her Letter: it said «the causes (of Frederick’s hostility against the Catholic Church) were
two: the positive reaction of the Heritage of her Pure Blood thanks to the historical
proximity of the Grail, concept that I’ll explain; and the influence of some Hyperborean
Initiates that the own Frederick II brought to his court of Palermo from far countries
of Asia and which history I could not stop to relate in this letter».
–You’ve brought something very valuable for the Führer and the –Tarstein began
saying at his return, while he was giving me a leather case with silver chape and keylock– And I
will reward you with something incomparably minor, but not less valuable for me. Take, Lupus,
Kurt, my unpublished book «Secret History of the Thulegesellschaft»: on it is narrated the
history of the last 630 years of the German branch of the House of Tharsis, and contains the
proofs of its outstanding intervention in the foundation of the mediaval Order Einherjar, which
would endure many centuries and would give place in the XX centuy to the Thulegesellschaft,
and then to the Black Order . I give it to you because I have consulted with the Siddhas and
they have told me that you are predestined to know all the secrets of my Lineage: perhaps it’d
be given to you even what not even me have achieved, this is, to continue the millenary story of
the House of Tharsis and discover the mission that you Great Ancestors have entrusted to you.
I appreciated that for Tarstein such revelation was very important, but I undertood also
that he was bidding me farewell subtly, and that was what I feared. I felt it for the sensibility of
Tarstein but I had to clarify the things. I took the book ignoring his speech.
–You speak as if we won’t see each other ever again, but at the same time as if I will
survive the enough as to read this book –I said harshly.
Tarstein didn’t unnerve and he decided to respond to my curtness with irony, but with
similar rudeness.
–Very sagacious, Lupus! But is that effectively we will not see each other in this life
again, even if we’ll join very soon in the Final Battle: the destiny of the Tulkus is so ambiguous!
It resulted very difficult to me to communicate you this, believe me, but I am happy that you
have came to the point. Now I’ll tell honestly what is the situation: you are still an officer
and you must obey the orders as everyone. And your orders are: to flee from Germany
immediately and hide yourself in the Republic of Argentina, where your sister lives.
–No! –I screamed, interrupting the directives–.
You can’t do this to me. I’ve done all what has been ordered to me, with all the loyalty
and courage that I was possible to me, but these orders are excesive. I prefer to die a thousand
times before to survive in a World dominated by the Jews. It is not lack of courage, it is not
disloyalty, is revulsion, Comrade Tarstein, simple revulsion and horror to live in a World
without Honor, where our Flags don’t flutter nowhere: since my childhood in Egypt, when I
incorporated myself to the Hitler’s Youths, I have breathed the Mystic of the National
Socialism endlessly; nobody prepared us for this! No, Comrade, we were not created to be
defeated by the infernal forces and survive under its empire. Just one moment ago, I sheltered
the hope that I would be allowed to be evacuated to the Refugee of the Führer-Tulku, as you call
it; but now you leave frozen with your orders to hide myself in Argentina. I have been
officer, I’ve been Initiated, I have developed amazing faculties, but now I see that I have just